CHASTAIN – Surrender to No One

Back in the mid 80’s when Dio was my God, I discovered Chastain. Between Leather Leone’s gutsy vocals, Dave’s guitar wizardry and the sci-fi/fantasy themes, there was more than enough to suck me in and I still return often to ‘Ruler of the Wasteland’, ‘7th of Never’ and ‘Voice of the Cult’ for a fix.…

FATE – If Not For the Devil

Another Danish melodic hard rock/ AOR-oriented act still going strong in 2013 with this latest studio album "If Not for the Devil". In this style of music, powerful production + the right songwriting chemistry and performances = a home run. "Feel like Making Love", the mid-tempo hook heavy title cut, and neo-classical flair for the…

ABYSSOUS – …Smouldering

"…Smouldering", the debut release by Germany´s Abyssous is a massive piece of grim death metal slowly creeping up on you. It took me about four spins to get into their opus of smouldering (pun intended) but crushing form of death metal. Abyssous is a relativly fresh name in the genre (formed in 2011), but they…


Danish thrash band Artillery return with a new drummer and singer in the fold on their seventh studio album "Legions". Vocalist Michael Bastholm Dahl and drummer Josua Madsen both came in last year, the latter following their last US/ South America tours in support of "My Blood". The melding of aggressive power riffing and semi-melodic…

WHORION – En dødsmetallmaskin fra Helsinki

Whorion er en dødsmetallmaskin fra Helsinki. De balanserer aggressivitet i musikken med en god dose symfoniske elementer. Dette lover veldig bra og det er absolutt noe man må holde øye med hvis man liker dødsmetall med det lille ekstra. Jeg fikk først høre om dem gjennom Norther som anbefalte dem og det lille jeg hørte fra teaseren var virkelig fengende. Til slutt måtte jeg finne ut mer om bandet og her er det  Ep Rautamaa (vokal/gitar) har å si.

GROND – Howling from the Deep

The 11 songs that constitute "Howling from the Deep", one of which is an Obituary cover, are all firmly rooted in rotten old-school death metal. Grond was vomited forth back in 2002 and the guys in the band certainly handle their instruments as if they`ve been playing for a long time. Many of the riffs…

DEEDS OF FLESH – Portals of Canaan

Deeds of Flesh hører til den skikkelig gamle death metal gjengen fra California, USA. Dette er veteraner i bransjen med flust av erfaring fra haugevis med band og som også står bak plateselskapet Unique Leader Records. Bandet slapp sin debut for 17 år siden og har siden den gang sluppet ytterligere syv fullengdere. «Portals of…


Italienske Fleshgod Apocalypse har tatt metalverdenen med storm med sin symfoniske kjappe death metal. Med platekontrakt og to album på verdens største metallabel samt massiv turnering i Europa og Amerika, har italienerne fortjent fått seg en stor fanbase og er uten tvil Italias største extreme metal eksport. «Labyrinth» er bandets tredje fullengder. Det er veldig…


First coming to prominence through her work in The Murder Of My Sweet, Swedish singer Angelica Rylin releases her first solo album "Thrive". Joining her in terms of musical help are fellow bandmate Daniel Flores on drums/keyboards, Smash Into Pieces guitarist Per Bergquist, bassist Johan Niemann and solo parts from Jesper Stromblad, Magnus Karlsson, and…

HATEBREED til Inferno

Amerikanske HATEBREED er nå klare for INFERNO METAL FESTIVAL 2014. Bandet startet opp i 1994 og har med årene bygget opp en dedikert og enorm fanskare som vet å sette pris på bandets enorme energi og aggresjon. Bandet ga ut tidligere i år deres nyeste opus, «The Divinity of Purpose», som viser at bandet er fortsatt like vitale i dag som tidligere og vil garantert gjøre det varmt under neste års INFERNO METAL FESTIVAL.

CRYSTAL BALL – Dawnbreaker

The seventh studio album from Swiss melodic metal band Crystal Ball, "Dawnbreaker" is their first effort since 2007. With two new members in the fold (vocalist Steven Mageney and bassist Cris Stone) the creative break the band took should give the fans some of their strongest songwriting to date. Opening with "Zarathustra", their metal take…

OUTRAGE – Brutal Human Bastard

Normally emphasizing influences from AC/DC to Sepultura to Six Feet Under when describing your sound could signal a few red flags. Austria’s Outrage love 90’s death metal for sure, especially the mid-paced, groove oriented American style on this third full length "Brutal Human Bastard". Vocalist Markus Urstoger is much clearer with his growls that Chris…

KICK – Memoirs

Led by bassist/vocalist Mikey Jones and his guitarist brother Chris, UK melodic rock band Kick have an equal love for the 80’s scene as they do with slight modern splashes on this 11 song "Memoirs" album. A lot of the song structures and hooks possess a lot of Alice Cooper and Def Leppard meets Magnum…


I seem to recall that I once referred to the Finnish band named Beastmilk as something akin to "Misfits meets The Cure", and that probably didn`t make any sense to the guy I said it to, but the sad thing is that I haven`t been able to come up with a better or more fitting…

TONS OF ROCK – ny festival i Halden

20. og 21. juni blir det arrangert en helt ny rockefestival på Fredriksten Festning i Halden. SABATON, SEPULTURA og SOILWORK er foreløpig de største navnene som er klare. Andre godbiter som blir å se i Halden i juni er BLACK DEBBATH, TNT, BACKSTREET GIRLS, KAMPFAR, ONE TAIL, ONE HEAD, OBLITERATION og YEAR OF THE GOAT. For de som skal til Halden og Tons of Rock i juni, kan vi tipse om at festivalen selger festivalpass til en meget hyggelig pris ut året.

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