TROLLFEST – Brumler videre

TROLLFEST begynte som en lek i 2004 men har etter relativ kort tid og mye turnering, endt opp som ett av Norges heteste liveband, spesielt i mellom-Europa. I disse dager er bandets femte fullengder kalt Brumlebassen ute og da måtte Trollmannen grilles litt.


It’s exciting to watch the progress of a band album to album- especially if you are fortunate to chart said progress through your journalistic endeavors. Starting in 2000 with their debut album “The Lasting Power”, Italy’s Thy Majestie has evolved from a more symphonic oriented metal act to one with power and progressive elements, shedding…

PAGAN’S MIND – Oslo – Gamla

Gamla (Gamle Christiania) er i og for seg et undervurdert konsertsted som jeg alltid har hatt et godt øye til. Stedet er en av Tigerstadens typiske brune buler, med den forskjell at de har en konsertscene for 250 personer. Stedet er nedslitt, men stemningen er alltid god. Om man ser på selve utforming av konsertlokalet…

THE CARBURETORS spiller på Rockefeller fredag (31/8)

The Carburetors fyller 10 år og vil markere dette med et jubileumsshow på Rockefeller den 31. august. Denne kvelden blir 10-årsmarkeringen satt i sving og i god Carburetors-ånd vil det være en ekslusiv utgivelse som kun gis ut til de 1000 første gjestene. Det skal sies at denne singelen ikke vil bli solgt noe annet sted før eller siden. I tillegg lover gutta et sinnsykt fett show med de vanlige ingridiensene: Flammer, Bomper, Røyk og selvfølgelig en stor dose med Fast. Forward. Rock `n` Roll.

EX DEO – Caligvla

In an unusual twist, a side project contains the same members as the main act- as the six piece symphonic/ epic death metal band Ex Deo normally rip things up with the hyper blast Canadian group Kataklysm. Reaching back into ancient Roman themes for their lyrical topics (and wardrobe), the second album “Caligvla” relies as…

NEURASTHENIA – Possessed By Your Omen

  A compilation of sorts from two previous albums, demo recordings, and a cover of Kiss’ “I Love It Loud”, this 11 song record “Possessed By Your Omen” comes from the Italian metal act Neurasthenia- who seem to straddle the fence of power and thrash based on my ears. Many of the faster sections within…

ALCEST – Oslo – Betong

Lillescenen på Betong er vel ikke akkurat min favoritt konsert-arena, men South Of Heaven skal allikevel ha kred for å dra en del band som virker oversett av andre arrangører. Lokalet er halvfullt når kveldens to band spiller, men stemning er det allikevel ikke noe å si på. Først ut er Oslo-bandet Pantheon I. Dette…

MARK KNOPFLER til Norge i juni 2013

MARK KNOPFLER med band kommer til Norge i juni neste år. Norge er tilgodesatt hele tre konserter og det er Hamar, Bergen og Stavanger som får gleden av å huse den gamle Dire Straits vokalisten. Billettsalget for alle tre konsertene starter onsdag 5. september klokka 09:00.


The sixth album from Italian melodic power/ folk metal act Elvenking "Era" continues to position the group uniquely, with their willingness to cross borders for the sake of individual sonic development. This particular 12 song outing appears to have the sextet incorporating heavier, slightly melodic death terrain on certain tracks- yet still delivering the crowd…

ANAAL NATHRAKH – Still learning

(…this article is in English…)ANAAL NATHRAKH er akkurat nå mellom to album; fjorårets "Passion" og den kommende skiva kalt "Vanitas". Eternal Terrors Rune Grande tok nok en gang kontakt med bandets vokalist V.I.T.R.I.O.L. og samtalen denne gangen dreide seg for det meste rundt emnene bandets historie, hvordan Dave ser verden i dag og de etter hvert mer nødvendige overlevelsesaktivitetene for band; turnering og konserter.

GOTHIC KNIGHTS – Reflections From The Other Side

The fourth album from New York City veteran power metal sextet Gothic Knights comes nine years beyond their last effort "Up From The Ashes"- one that seemed to be met with mixed response from the fans and critics as original vocalist Rick Sanchez returned to the fold. Taking the time to set up their own…

DARK BOMBASTIC EVENING 2012 – Day 1 – Romania

The number of festivals held in Romania is slowly increasing every year, but as far as I notice on the web or through news from my friends, they follow the same pattern: rent a huge space, bring ‘big’ bands that sell your tickets, cage the participants within some fences and tell them to have fun…

SILENCER – The Great Bear

Another act I’ve been fortunate enough to take in since their early unsigned days is this Colorado metal band Silencer. On this latest release "The Great Bear", the quartet appear to be reaching back into the past a touch in terms of riff inspiration- using some of the 70’s and early 80’s straightforward hard rock…

GRASPOP 2012 – Day 3 – Belgia

The final day of Graspop 2012 didn’t start too encouraging, as it was raining like crazy in Eindhoven when we left and it did so a big part of the drive to Dessel. It also kept on raining until later in the afternoon, making the tents rather crowded and hot. But, rain is afterall part…

GRAVE – Straight to the point

(…this article is in English…) Svenske GRAVE er aktuelle med ny skive. Tittel er "Endless Procession of Souls" og dette er faktisk bandets tiende fullengder. Eternal Terrors dyktige skribent metaloath var rimelig kjapp på labben da han fikk tilbud om en telefonisk samtale med bandets frontmann Ola Lindgren og her kommer resultatet av kommunikasjonen dem imellom.

GRASPOP 2012 – Day 2 – Belgia

Saturday started with good weather and fresh Dutch stroopwafels which taste fantastic when warm. Highly recommended. Another driver from Eindhoven to Dessel and we’re just in time to attend Heidevolk’s concert in the Metaldome. I only knew a song from Heidevolk, but it was enough to make me want to see them live since they…

THE MYSTERY – Apocalypse 666

One thing I’ve learned studying the metal genre I hold near and dear to my soul- certain countries revere familiar styles no matter what may be fashionable, trendy, or overwhelmingly popular. Germany may be the mecca of metal due to its long history to support the movement in its infancy, and no matter what seems…

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