I wondered what happened to this fine Norwegian traditional metal five piece, as it’s been five years since their last album “Love And Destruction”. They haven’t been idle on the live show front, gigging throughout Europe on tours with Sabaton, Paul Di’Anno and Tim “Ripper” Owens – so it’s an appropriate time for “Dung Idols”…

KENS DOJO – Reincarnation

Sure, the guest list is quite impressive, you have Nils K Rue from Pagan’s Mind, Michael Eriksen from Circus Maximus, Eirikur Hauksson from Magic Pie, and the one and only Glenn Hughes. Add keyboard wizard Ken Hensley, bass guitarist Morty Black and drummer extraordinaire Truls Haugen, also from Circus Maximus, talk about all-star team! And…

THE POODLES – Performocracy

The title of this fourth album combines the words performance and democracy – and I believe these two constants explain the ascension of these Swedes to multi-platinum heights and high chart action across various European countries. Since their late 2005 formation, The Poodles have written theme songs for Sweden’s representation into the Olympic Games, toured…

ANNIHILATIONMANCER – The Involution Philosophy

Napoli Italy’s Annihiliationmancer (say that name ten times fast and not sound like marbles in your mouth) have been around since 1994 and released two demo recordings a decade apart. Usually that sends up a warning flag in this reviewer’s headspace – because it shouldn’t take this long to get a debut album on the…

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE – Et møte med den vennlige kjempen

Han veksler mellom å se på The Simpsons og å ville redde verden, og apellerer til kvinner med sine emosjonelle tekster. På tross av at han ofte høres ut som en grizzlybjørn. Vokalist Howard Jones i det amerikanske metalcorebandet Killswitch Engage ser ut som en dørvakt, men skinnet kan bedra. Killswitch Engage er elsket og hatet. Det amerikanske bandet er kommersielt meget vellykket, og blir ofte anklaget for å spille Metalcore. Samtidig har de stått for en unik sammensmeltning av forskellige stilarter som går langt hinsides hva metalcore band som f.eks The Agony Scene bedriver. Alt fra ekstrem metal til alternativ rock og småsprø rytmikk finner plass i KSE sitt uttrykk. For ikke å snakke om tekstene som er meget uortodokse for metal-genren, med sitt utpregede "positive" budskap og religiøse/spirituelle undertoner. Vi tok en prat med vokalist Howard Jones, som fremsto som en vennlig kjempe.

RADIOHEAD – The King Of Limbs

A strange monster, this Radiohead thingie. When I sit down, take a listen or two, think for a while…, I’m pondering on the strangeness therein. I cannot come up with one band too similar to Radiohead, which probably means that I know few pop and rock bands, but it is also possible that this band…

ENBOUND – And She Says Gold

Sweden and melodic power metal appear to melt together like two soul mates – such is the vision carrying vocalist Lee Hunter, drummer Mike Cameron Force, guitarist Marvin Flowberg and bassist Swede in this new act Enbound. “And She Says Gold” contains 14 songs, running the gamut from guitar driven riff energy numbers like “Squeals…


HOLE IN THE SKY fortsetter å slippe mørke navn til sin aller siste utgave. Denne gangen er det GRAND MAGUS, PAGAN ALTAR og IN SOLITUDE som er klare. Samtidig opplyser festivalen med at det blir Kick Off på Garage i Bergen 6. mai der hele festivalprogrammet slippes. SOLSTORM og COCKROACH AGENDA stiller på scenen denne kvelden.

EXELOUME – Fairytale Of Perversion

Throughout metal’s history, there came points in time where genres exploded, burnt themselves out and resurrected due to new blood infusing their creativity and pouring out new product. Norway’s Exeloume on their debut album “Fairytale Of Perversion” appear to step their stylistic toes into dual thrash and death waters. Recording a four song demo “The…

REVEREND KILL – War And Conflict

A brand of death metal that never really appealed to me. Heavy riffing in the vein of some Amon Amarth, with all the necessary ingredients. You know, brutal vocal, lyrics on war, solos and whatnot. Sadly the outcome is too generic, with songs really going nowhere. When the next song come up, I’m not expecting…

LENZIG LEAL (Cephalic Carnage) – Smoke more weed Norway

(…this article is in English…)Leonard "Lenzig" Leal er en av livets gladere gutter. Han er eneste gjenværende originalmedlem i det amerikanske grindcorebandet CEPHALIC CARNAGE, kanskje det bandet i verden som er mest kjent for sin frisinnede holdning til marihuana. Lenzig betviler at han noensinne blir en operasanger, har masse humor og er mer interessert i hvordan en metal vokalist ser ut innvendig enn om extremevokal kan sies å være vitenskap. Her er Leonard "Lenzig" Leal fra Cephalic Carnage og hans bidrag til The Deepthroat Series.

CHROME DIVISION – Third Round Knockout

In today’s large music market, musicians appear to have let the creative floodgates open far and wide. No longer does one band or project satisfy their songwriting or performance cravings – the desire to unfurl as much as possible before retirement is only limited if the means (money and time) remains restricted. Dimmu Borgir vocalist/…

ILLDISPOSED – There Is Light (But It’s Not For Me)

Celebrating their 20 year anniversary as a band, Denmark’s Illdisposed release their eleventh studio album, the oddly titled “There Is Light (But It’s Not For Me)”. To refresh my memory regarding this death metal act I went back into my archives to give 2009’s “To Those Who Walk Behind Us” a few spins. The standout…


Buckaduzz greiar å fylla rommet med ljod på ein grundigare måte enn mange andre som har freista her i storsalen til Betong. Blytung sjukedelisk Stoner med vokal som ligg midt millum sår og desperat, god autensitet der, men fyrst og fremst skitent, langsakte, innadvend og godt innrøyka; varierar millum helvetes tung til meir atspredte svevande…

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