Lucifer’s Child is a relatively new Greek black metal quartet comprised of members of Rotting Christ and Nightfall, and I must say that I am most pleased with "The Wiccan", the 8-track debut album by these guys. This is one of those albums that sound delightfully old-school and yet somewhat forward-looking as well. Greek black…

DEGREED – Dead But Not Forgotten

Can a band exist today that has a little bit of that modern edge while still embodying the classic melodic hard rock/ AOR template that ruled the airwaves in the 1980’s? Sweden’s Degreed possess both elements seamlessly on their third studio record "Dead But Not Forgotten". Where the current electro-pop keyboard portions from Micke Jansson…

WEDERGANGER – Halfvergaan ontwaakt

‘Halfvergaan Ontwaakt’ is the debut from German Black Metallers Wederganger. The name means ‘again walker’ or revenant, but no idea what any of the rest of it is about. Musically, we are looking at mid-paced, melodic BM that concentrates on creating a vibe and rhythm that will carry the listener off on a journey. Even…

NILE – What Should not be Unearthed

Nile har funnet tilbake til godformen på sitt nye mesterverk «What should not be Unearthed». Karl Sanders, Dallas Toller-Wade og George Kollias er ferdige med sin litt eksperimentelle periode som de har drevet med i de senere årene. Mange fans er nok fornøyd med det og de kan nå nyte musikken til Nile slik de…


Så er den her da, den 22. skiva fra Motörhead. Det er helt utrolig å tenke på at et band skal gi ut 22. fullengdere/studioalbum og fortsatt klare å levere gode album. Og det på 40 år. Motörhead har klart det. Jeg er imponert. 40 år som plateartist og liveband og fortsatt å være på…

YES – Like It Is – YES at the Mesa Arts

A sequel of sorts to "Like It Is: Yes at the Bristol Hippodrome" where the band would perform "Going for the One" and "The Yes Album" in their entirety, "Like It Is- At the Mesa Arts Center" focuses on two more complete albums from their 1970’s period: "Close to the Edge" and "Fragile". This double…

CRADLE OF FILTH søker supportband

CRADLE OF FILTH skal ut på Europaturne fra 16. oktober til og med 26. november og nå søker de lokale supportband via en stor internettkonkurranse. Bandet kommer innom Norge og Oslo 18. november og tror du bandet ditt er riktig band for jobben, da bør du lese videre.

PYOGENESIS – A Century in the Curse of Time

Diversity is the spice of life- especially when it comes to music. For every artist that subjects its listeners to a steady diet of what they’ve come to expect, you have others who insist on serving up product a little different each and every time. Even if it could be to the detriment of long-term…

KATZENJAMMER – Kartfestivalen 2015 – Gvarv

Jeg entrer Kartfestivalen i det kvelden kommer krypende på etter en av de varmeste dagene her til lands i sommer. Ivrig etter en matbit finner jeg meg en økologisk burger, og jammen meg er ikke øllet også økologisk. Dette setter føringen på hele festivalen, mer grønt, norsk og jordnært kommer man ikke! Jeg tar en…

DEMON LUNG – A Dracula

The second studio album from Las Vegas, Nevada’s Demon Lung is another doom metal odyssey, gaining inspiration from a 1978 Mexican horror movie "Alucarda" – an alluring tale of demonic possession and lesbian lovers intertwined. Musically and vocally a lot of classic Candlemass massiveness appears, classical tinges and operatic avenues along with the lumbering riffs,…


Certain things can’t be killed… cockroaches, climate change, and Motörhead. The veterans weather any health concerns thrown at bassist/vocalist Lemmy to release another studio album with "Bad Magic", a 13 song effort with 12 originals plus a closing cover of The Rolling Stones’ "Sympathy for the Devil". The formula doesn’t vary much from previous records…


Sveriges råeste black metal-band NIFELHEIM er klare for å spre mørke over Inferno Metal Festival i 2016! Det velkjente black metal-bandet er noe av de ypperste innen black metal og har alltid vært et flaggskip for metal og dens sanne ånd! NIFELHEIM spiller Inferno Metal Festival for aller første gang og det er kommer til å bli en kveld vi alle vil huske!

GUS G – Brand New Revolution

The well-known guitar genius that is Gus G. (Firewind, Ozzy Osbourne) is one busy gentleman. Ever since he launched a solo career last year by means of the album "I Am The Fire", he has toured extensively and yet somehow found the time to compose and record a follow-up to the aforementioned album. The new…

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