- by J. Nepper
- Posted on 31-08-2015
Lucifer’s Child is a relatively new Greek black metal quartet comprised of members of Rotting Christ and Nightfall, and I must say that I am most pleased with "The Wiccan", the 8-track debut album by these guys. This is one of those albums that sound delightfully old-school and yet somewhat forward-looking as well. Greek black metal spawned by legends such as Varathron, Rotting Christ, Thou Art Lord, Agatus, and the likes is awesome. I think most of you twisted crapholes out there will agree with me on that one, right?
The occult and ritualistic black metal evoked by Lucifer’s Child is dynamic, organic, and bone-crushingly heavy at times. The riffs and melodies are generally quite memorable, but there are some rather twisted and sludgy parts here and there that are a little uneasy on the ear, which serves a great purpose in that the music attains an even darker and more sinister edge. The vocals are great and very convincing, and the production suits the song material nicely. The lead guitar parts and fills are also stunning. Fuck me, instead of highlighting the lead guitar I might as well tell you straight up that the musicianship is excellent all around.
All the songs are mid-paced, atmospheric, and epic, and while "The Wiccan" as a whole conjures up some of the same wicked moods as other classic Greek black metal pearls, it has a sound and style of its own in my humble opinion. Highly recommended. Hats off to Dark Essence Records for getting this awesome piece of work out there.