OBDURATED – I Feel Nothing

Briefly known in their early years as Obdurate, taking to the past tense in their updated moniker doesn’t mean this French act’s sound is stuck in the past. Although influences certainly abound from the Bay Area and Scandinavian camps, the 10 song "I Feel Nothing" album showcases a sturdy set of compositions that level the…

DISCIPLINE X – Wasted in Hollywood

Finnish crossover thrash from the quartet Discipline X, who on their debut album "Wasted In Hollywood" embody the women and booze philosophy lyrically, while conjuring up the Misfits, D.R.I., and possibly a little of the sleaze factor musically. Loose, fun, party-time music – unfortunately the whiny punkish delivery from vocalist /rhythm guitarist Juha ‘Reksi’ Kraapo…


MARYLAND DEATHFEST blir arrangert i Baltimore i USA mellom 22. og 25. mai. 82 band fordelt på fire scener og fire dager er hva de kan by på. TRIPTYKON, AT THE GATES, DARK ANGEL og MY DYING BRIDE er de aller største navnene, men her er det mye snadder å velge mellom.

ROCK MOT RUS 2014 – Andenes, Idrettshallen

Festivalen Rock Mot Rus (RMR) starta med eit brak fredag 11 april i idrettshallen på Andenes. Festivalen er eit rusfritt arrangement for ungdommar og andre interesserte. Nealspring starta festivalen med god energi, god stemning og godt nøgde publikummarar som resultat. Nummer to ut på scena var den halvakustiske soulkvartetten Oh! Festivalsjef Svein Spjelkavik var raskt…

OGRE – The Last Neanderthal

Feel the snare crack during "Nine Princes in Amber" and the 1-2-3-4 hits a la Kiss’ "Love Gun" – enjoy the somber effects laden solo segments travelling against the evil Bon Scott meets Neil Fallon-like melodies from bassist Ed Cunningham on the 8:21 follow up "Bad Trip" – two songs in and Portland, Maine’s Ogre…

SCREAM ARENA – Scream Arena

The tag line on Scream Arena’s official Facebook page couldn’t be more appropriate: proof that men with long hair still roam the earth and plug in and play live. Hailing from York, United Kingdom – it’s refreshing to know in 2014 there are still musicians that believe natural instrumentation sans technology enhancement can still be…


OUT & LOUD erstatter fjorårets festivalnykommer BEASTIVAL, en festival som avholdes i den tyske byen Geiselwind. Lineupen er tradisjonell tysk der BLIND GUARDIAN, AMON AMARTH, POWERWOLF, SEPULTURA, DORO, SAXON, U.D.O., ENSIFERUM og MOONSPELL er noen av de største trekkplastrene. Festivalen blir arrangert den siste helgen i mai.

DARK DAYS AHEAD – North Star Blues

What a great name for a Finnish metal band. Dark Days Ahead has been delivering their brand of dark rock/ groove metal since 2005, combining elements of death and New Orleans style sludge to make an interesting cocktail for their second album "North Star Blues". Vocalist Tony Kaikkonen has a little bit of that low…

SERPENT WARNING – Serpent Warning

Serpent Warning hail from Finland and perform doom metal inspired by old gods such as Black Sabbath, Roky Erickson, Saint Vitus, Pentagram…and the list goes on. To my ears Serpent Warning are old-school in the sense that their particular brand of metal is somewhat traditional and vintage-sounding, which is to say that this self-titled album…

BURNING SAVIOURS – Boken om Förbannelsen

The Swedish occult stoner/doom rockers known as Burning Saviours have once again joined forces with I Hate Records and released a compilation album consisting of four previously released 7" singles that came out between 2011 and 2013. In a sense, "Boken om Förbannelsen" is quite neat if you’re either new to the doomy and hazy…

EDGEDOWN – Statues Fall

Edgedown is a German heavy metal band on the modern side a touch for their debut full length album "Statues Fall". Expect guitar work of a galloping and dark nature, chanting/ gang background vocals, and a general melodic vocal approach. Artists such as Primal Fear, Iron Maiden, and especially Iced Earth came to mind on…

EXISTANCE – Steel Alive

Hailing from France, Existance is a quartet who perform in a classic 80’s heavy metal style: the type that makes you break out leather and wave your fist in the air to anthem style numbers. Vocalist/ guitarist Julian Izard is the son of speed metal H-Bomb vocalist Didier Izard, so you know the lineage means…

SAVN – Savn

Det har naturlig nok knyttet seg spenning og forventninger rundt debutalbumet til Savn. Etter å ha hørt på Midnattsol i mange år, vil man uvilkårlig sammenligne Carmens nye prosjekt og Midnattsol. Visse likhetstrekk finner man jo. Savn overrasker positivt. Carmens klare stemme kommer mer til sin rett her, sammen med en gotisk og melodiøs musikk.…

PRONG – Ruining Lives

Vitality is a many splendored element to a successful life. New York’s Prong seem to have a second career resurrection following their late 80’s/ early 90’s dominance in crossover/thrash where they regularly slugged it out on the road and had impressive regular rotation of their videos on Headbangers’ Ball. The sound is a little more…

KYLESA flyttet til Parkteatret (12/6)

Grunnet en dobbelbooking hos Vulkan Arena flyttes konserten 12. juni med Kylesa til Parkteatret. Samme dag, samme tid. Med seg i bussen har de amerikanske Lazer/Wulf, og fra Stavanger kommer Jagged Vision. Vi ser frem til en hysterisk feit og intim helaften med noen av de aller beste metalbanda der ute!

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