MUSTASCH – Thank You For The Demon

Hard rock, heavy metal, stoner rock- whatever way you chose to slice it, Sweden’s Mustasch continue to excel at the art of wrenching all the right emotion out of every song they write and play. "Thank You For the Demon" builds upon their last release 2012’s "Sounds Like Hell, Looks Like Heaven"- 9 songs that…

THYRIEN – Hymns of the Mortals

They say you have a lifetime to create a debut album. In the case of Finland’s Thyrien, that statement could be ironic. Originally starting on "Hymns of the Mortals" in 2008, it took until 2014 for this release to finally hit the marketplace due to lineup changes, paperwork issues, and lack of time to devote…


Tons of Rock har sikret seg to av verdens mest legendariske metallband igjennom tidene. Slayer og Anthrax regnes sammen med Metallica og Megadeth
som to av "De Fire Store" i metallhistorien, og med disse to headlinerene på plakaten begynner sommerens festivalprogram å falle på plass.

SILENT FORCE – Melodic Metal Resurrection

Den tyske gitaristen Alex Beyrodt spiller i Primal Fear, Voodoo Circle, Sinner og Silent Force. Sistnevnte band er for tiden aktuelle med sitt første album på seks år og det er i den forbindelsen Eternal Terror skribent Matt Coe tok kontakt med Alex for en prat.

PROFANATICA – Thy Kingdom Cum

Paul Ledny (ex Incantation) and his unholy alliance Profanatica is back with their third opus of necro ridden black metal done the American way. Being an active band since 1990 the productivity of Profanatica has been mainly in the EP/Split department but 2013 saw the band release a full-length aptly titled "Thy Kingdom Cum". The…

PERSUADER – The Friction Maze

Eight years seems like an eternity to wait for a follow up album, but it’s not as if the members of power metal band Persuader were idling their time away. Guitarists Jens Carlsson and Emil Norberg worked with Savage Circus on a couple of albums, drummer Efraim Juntunen and guitarist Daniel Sundbom played with the…

NOFX til Oslo (10/5)

Hold på hanekammen! Tretti år etter oppstarten kan de amerikanske bråkmakerne fremdeles garantere for noen av de beste melodiøse punklåtene og villeste konsertene. Forrige studioplate "Self Entitled" kom i 2012, og de fulgte opp med EP’en "Stoke Extinguisher" i november i fjor. Bandet feiret også 30-årsjubileum i 2013 med utgivelsen "30th Anniversary Box Set" – en skikkelig gavepakke til fansen! Vi gleder oss stort til å ta imot punklegendene på Sentrum Scene – 4 år etter forrige Oslo-konsert! Dette blir også den eneste konserten i Norge på denne turnéen.

ALFAHANNE – Alfapokalyps

Alfahanne are probably best described as a rock and roll band with elements of punk, black and classic metal combined. Look at a picture of the band and you’ll probably get the idea before you’ve even heard the music. At times it has a beautiful melodic, early 80’s gothic feel and at other times it…

MYSTIFIER – Wicca – rerelease

Mystifier (Brazil) have delivered unholy black metal since 1989 and their debut "Wicca" from 1992 is getting the re-release treatment. The production is much clearer than the original and to some this is great, to others this is usually not acceptable because it alters the allover feeling of the album. Personally I don´t like it…

LEATHERWOLF – Unchained Live

One of my favourite releases from the mid 80’s was Leatherwolf’s self titled full-length debut. It is one of the only records from that era that I still return to regularly. When the follow up ‘Leatherwolf II’ can along, I felt it was a little soft for my tastes. It lacked the attack and NWOBHM…

DEMILICH – 20th Adversary of Emptiness

Finnish death metal cult act  Demilich get´s another re-release treatment of their brilliant (but sadly only) opus "Nesphite" in conjunction of the 20 years anniversary of it´s release back in 1993. The aptly titled "20th Adversary of Emptiness" is a box set containing the genial album "Nesphite" (of course) and everything else Demilich have ever…

UK SUBS spiller på John Dee mandag (27/01)

UK Subs er unike blant den opprinnelige bølgen av punkband som oppstod i perioden 1976-1977, med at de har fortsatt hvert år siden den gang med liveopptredener og lagt bak seg tusenvis av konserter. UK Subs vedlikeholder med stor stil den orginale punkrock-ånden, uten kompromiss og utvanning som har rammet så mange av sine jevnaldrende band. Mandag spiller de på John Dee i Oslo med TV Smith.

SILVER og DEVIL til Tons of Rock!

Etter utallige forespørsler fra fans i hele Norge gjør Silver nå sin første festivalopptreden på flere år! Bandet regnes som et av Norges beste liveband gjennom tidene og vi har ikke ord for hvor mye vi gleder oss til å se Silver på Tons of Rock til sommeren! Og ikke nok med det! Det kritikerroste heavyrock-bandet DEVIL gjør en eksklusiv norgeskonsert i 2014 på Tons of Rock!

TORTORUM – Katabasis

I was pretty excited about checking out this latest offering by the black metal squadron named Tortorum in that I thought that their debut album was quite nicely done and well arranged. Luckily, this new assault of theirs, which is entitled Katabasis, is even better than the aforementioned debut. The album contains 9 songs that…

OMNIVORE – Omnivore

There’s nothing wrong with hearing a death/thrash act from Italy who live for speed and well played transitions- and that’s what you’ll get from Italy’s Omnivore on their self-titled debut album. Remember the days of late 80’s/ early 90’s Sadus, Massacra, and Merciless- along with the Bay Area gang chorus vocals? That’s what you’ll get…

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