Quite a surprise here bursting forth from Belgium. Fireforce are a quintet that live for old school power metal with a potent traditional flair – emphasizing riffs, solos and melodies that induce windmill hair, head banging and devil horn salutes. Forming out of the Double Diamond remnants, guitarists Erwin Suetens and Steve Deleu along with…

TANGENT PLANE – Project Elimi

German progressive power metal that musically relies on longer arrangements and bursts of rhythmic bombast to get its impact across. Alas, all enjoyment drains quickly as soon as vocalist Jan Michaelis attempts to hit anything above middle range – as his thick German accent and off key warbling may send most running for the exits.…

FARMERS MARKED på John Dee (1/4)

Få ting er så morsomt som en konsert med Farmers Market, det er sigøynersurf, bollywood-country, tyrkisk metall, balkanbluegrass og en drøss med andre stilarter du ikke engang visste fantes. Stian Carstensen & co. kom sist med plata "Surfin USSR", utgitt på Mike Pattons selskap Ipecac, og Dagbladet ga plata en sekser: "Eventyrlig musikalsk festfyrverkeri". I morgen fredag 1. april på John Dee.

PETTER BAARLI (Backstreet Girls) – Attitude

Petter Baarli er eneste gjenværende originalmedlem i Backstreet Girls, et av Norges lengstlevende rockeband. Bandet har en hel haug med LP-er, CD-er, kassetter, singler og sjutommere på samvittigheten. De har et rykte på seg som en forrykende liveband og har en stor fast fanskare i hele Norge. Petter begynte å spille gitar som 7-8 åring og æren eller skylda for at han begynte gir han til Sex Pistols og AC/DC. Han er ikke i tvil om at det er holdningen til livet som den aller viktigste egenskapen for en topp gitarist. Her er Petter Baarli fra Backstreet Girls og hans bidrag til The G-String Series.

CROSSWRECKER – Black Flame Divination

"From the ashes of Sacrificial Dagger spawns a new black manifestation Crosswrecker. A thrashing hell metal act that is ready to crush your pitiful minds". Now that the guys have introduced themselves, lets move on to "Black Flame Divination", which is this English/Finish band’s first EP, containing 6 tracks in the vein of bands like…

BALFOR – Barbaric Blood

Warrior themed extreme metal bands are a dime a dozen recently. If bands like Obscurity, Winds of Plague, Amon Amarth and Forefather are your bread and butter, Balfor will probably rock your gastronomic senses. It has all been done before though, and Balfor doesn’t add much to the table. It takes a pinch more identity…


By this stage you’ve seen the name of the band and read the score, so you have probably already guessed that this is yet another mediocre BM release. Sorry to confirm your fears so early in the review, but you are correct. Although Sacrilegious Impalement hail from the Finnish underground, the production of this release…

NO GRAVITY – Worlds In Collision

The brainchild of Moonlight Comedy guitarist Simone Fiorletta, this new power/ progressive metal act contains some of the best vocalists in the business tackling the 9 songs. Names including Andy Kuntz (Vanden Plas), Michele Luppi (ex-Vision Divine), Fabio Lione (Rhapsody Of Fire) and Roberto Tiranti (Labyrinth) among others, "Worlds In Collision" has much in common…

WITCHHAMMER – Oslo – Gamla

Devil greier ikkje å taka meg so hugheilt som bandet gjorde på Metal Merchants i år, skuldast helst lokalet, for Gamla liknar meir på ein busskø enn ein konsertstad; ein avlang gymsal liksom. Scena er for høg òg. Same faen, Devil bandet rockar godt på sitt eige vis, NWOBHM med stonerrock-tendensar. Me får fleire låtar…

KAI ÅSVIK (Whip) – Allsidighet og kreativitet

Hva kan man egentlig si om Kai Åsvik? Han er bassist og vokalist i WHIP, han er bassist i Grind Crusher og Enthral. I tillegg spiller han bass live for Virus og for Okular i studio og han er mannen bak denne intervjuserien. Så mye mer er det vel ikke å si om denne karen, bortsett fra at han er en dyktig bassist med en herlig kraftfull growlvokal. Her er The Down Below Series og Kai Åsvik.

EDEN’S CURSE – Trinity

Third time could be the charm for Eden’s Curse. This melodic metal outfit feature hard charging guitar hooks and equally captivating melodies – along with superstar guest work from Dream Theater’s James LaBrie and Helloween’s Andi Deris. "Trinity" is their third album and this international group continue to produce some of the more memorable and…

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