Death metal bandet BLOOD RED THRONE fyller 15 år i 2013. De har også nettopp avsluttet sin første Norgesturne og da passer det fint med en liten oppdatering fra den leiren. Det er grunnleggende originalmedlem Død om naturlig nok tar seg av informasjonsflommen fra sørlandet. Han deler her sine tanker om den nylige avsluttende Norgeturneen, mimrer litt rundt alle skivene de har gitt ut, bandet, plateselskapene de har vært på og konserter som skiller seg ut.

AURA NOIR – Oslo – Last Train

Hovudstadens rockescene no.1 Last Train inviterar til spel og leik denne veka. Hades sønar skal spela i kveld, og ti minutt føre opning er køen lang utanfor. M.t.p. å sjansa til koma inn: Slikt ser alltid verre ut utandørs. Utseld vert det no lell; her me no står inne i den overveldande julepynten er det…

SEPTICFLESH – Mystic Places of Dawn

‘Mystic Places of Dawn’ was originally released in 1994, setting Septicflesh on the road to becoming one of the brightest stars in the pantheon of Greek metal. Their take on melodic symphonic death introduced listeners to what was then and still is one of the most original voices in the genre and the elements of…


"The Water" is a three track EP by the British Alt. Rock duo Blood Red Shoes. Clocking in at a little under ten minutes, the three tracks offer heavy riffs (think The White Stripes) combined with catchy choruses. The tracks offer some basic variation, with the opening track "Red River" peaking out as the EP’s…

WITCHCRAFT – Hegyek Felettem

Of all the Witchcrafts out there, these guys are the Hungarian Black Metal version and this is their third full-length release (even though the first was a kind of compilation of demos etc). In terms of sound, we are looking at something that harks back to the early 90’s. ‘Hegyek Felettem’ comes across cold and…

OVERTORTURE – At The End The Dead Await

This Swedish five piece act contains current and former members of Grave, Incision, and Coldworker to name but a few. Overtorture on their debut album "At the End the Dead Await" perform a relentless death metal attack with these 10 songs, injecting low tuned guitar harmonies on "Slave to the Atom" and an evil swing…


Forming in 1996, the four piece death metal quartet Nervochaos hail from Sao Paulo, Brazil and their fifth full length release "To the Death" shows no signs of slowing down their crusade for fierce riffing, guttural vocals, and punishing tempos. The 13 songs on this record feature a mixture of slightly up tempo arrangements and…

DECEPTOR – Chains Of Delusion

Three piece thrash with a space vibe- the UK band Deceptor may not fit normal categorical conventions, but isn’t that what makes metal so special to the fans? The 6 track EP "Chains of Delusion" has a fun spirit coursing through the arrangements and performances- although the reference points can be as diverse as Iron…

BJØRN HELLFUCK spiller på Garage fredag (21/12)

Bjørnen er ute av hiet, og Garage er klare for å snabbe julen inn med Bjørn Hellfuck! Et helt år er gått siden anuspoeten fra vest sist satte sin fot på en scene. Et helt år uten snabbfest, et helt år uten "horer & brennevin". Inviter alle du kjenner, så får vi til en storslått konsert med kos og festmusikk.

1349 spiller på Parkteatret fredag (21/12)

Fredag 21. desember blir det musikalsk formørkelse når Black Metal-bandet 1349 inntar scenen og ringer apokalypsen inn. Bandet har tidligere i år spilt en rekke konserter i både inn- og utland, blant annet turnert med Marduk i USA, Canada, Mexico og Puerto Rico, og i oktober spilt på den prestisjefylte festivalen Loud Park i Japan. Med flere kritikerroste album bak seg, hvorav den siste var “Demonoir” fra 2010, er bandet nå i gang med å jobbe på sitt 6. studioalbum, runder de av året med det som garantert blir en spesiell aften på hjemlige trakter.

EYEFEAR – The Inception Of Darkness

The Australian metal scene has received accolades in the past few years for its extreme domestic product infiltrating the international label ranks as well as a potent power/ progressive metal market. Eyefear is one of the veterans in the latter category, recording their debut album "Edge of Existence" in 1995 and now releasing their fifth…


Did you say deathgrind from Norway? That’s not the most common genre we are accustomed to up here north, but that doesent mean we cant deliver the goods. Grotesque Hysterectomy hail from Oslo and "Sororicide" is the groups second offering since their debut "Reek" back in 2007. "Reek" was an album I found quite entertaining…


De fire store innen tysk thrash metal, KREATOR, SODOM, DETRUCTION og TANKARD vil spille på samme scene for første gang i historien under festivalnyvinningen BEASTIVAL. BEASTIVAL blir arrangert i Geiselwind, en liten by i underkant av 70 kilometer nordvest for Nurnberg i den sørlige delen av Tyskland. Festivalen vil bli arrangert fra 30. mai til 1. juni.

GORTAL – Deamonolith

‘Deamonolith’ is the second full-length release from Polish DM trio Gortal. The sound is heavily US influenced, with lots of heavy riffing, tons of blasting and gravel voiced growls. The production is clean and modern with lots of bottom end and manages to capture all of the considerable power being produced in the studio. The…


On ‘Vertigo’, Koldbrann have gone for a frosty but modern production. But while the cymbals crash like ice and the guitars cut like a north wind, the bass comes through bringing a touch of warmth that balances out the sound. So: cold – yes, necro – no. The songs are generally slow to mid-paced, marrying…

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