GHOST BRIGADE – Until Fear No Longer Defines Us

Curveballs keep people on the edge of their seats. Complacency reduces excitement and expectations. If an artist comes out of the gate swinging for the fences, fear creeps in regarding their resolve to deliver even more each successive time. Finland gothic-alternative-doom-death band Ghost Brigade have two exemplary full lengths to their cache (2007’s “Guided By…

THE GREAT KAT – Beethoven Shreds DVD

The Great Kat was a cult figure at the end of the 80s and early part of the 90s. It was primarily her first 2 releases "Worship Me or Die" and "Beethoven on Speed" that gave her most success. These are also her only two full-length. The rest of her discography consists of EPs, a…

Norway Rock 2011 – Dag 3 – Kvinesdal

TNT Veteranene i TNT har flere udødlige låter på setlista si og fansen får dem på rekke og rad. Lyden er god og bandet spiller tight, rocka og entusiastisk som alltid. Ronni le Tekrø kjører på i kjent stil med kjeften på vidt gap og fyrer av den ene signaturen etter den andre på full…

BRUTAL ASSAULT 2011 – Words of Martin & Schizmo

(…this article is in English…)Tsjekkia har av en eller annen grunn en festivaltradisjon som synes å være jevn og også økende. Vi har allerede sjekket ut Obscene Extreme, nå er det på tide å gå videre på kalenderen og sette vårt fokus på Brutal Assault som finner sted i august. Festivalsjefen Martin svarer med litt hjelp fra Schizmo, leder for markedsføring og media.

TOXIC HOLOCAUST – Conjure and Command

Joel Grind and his Toxic Holocaust have been around for about 12 years and "Conjure and Command" is their 4th full length. They continue as on the 3 previous albums, with reasonable basic and filthy black thrash. Almost all the songs are built around his riffs and his distinctive vocals. Sonically, this is much better…

APEIRON RESTRAINT – Apeiron Restraint

A self-titled debut four song EP from this Norwegian quintet, the material runs the gamut of progressive music, extreme death and even slightly twisted alternative rock and jazz on distinct tracks like “In Hermetic” and “Deathmonger”. Raw guitars and Svein Erik Heglum’s chameleon vocal approach (sometimes clean like Graham Bonnet, sometimes rhythmic, like a metal…

MADDER MORTEM – Oslo – Gamla

Oppmøtet var bra nok det, der mye av den nokså lille salen på Gamla var fylt opp med venner, kjente og fans. Dermed var det duket for nok en feiende flott Madder Mortem konsert. Det er en stund siden sist, og jeg må si at jeg var nysgjerrig på det nye materialet, siden vi var…

ÅRABROT feirer 10 år

ÅRABROT fyller 10 år i år og feirer dette med en bursdagsturne bestående av 4 datoer på sørlige del av Norge. Stavanger, Oslo, Bergen og Kristansand er de utvalgte byene og med på feiringen er også HAUST og OKKULTOKRATI.


AROSIAN BLACK MASS 2011 er en black metal festival som blir arrangert i Västerås 11. og 12. november og er en naturlig og selvstendig videreføring av Nidrosian Black Mass som ble arrangert i Trondheim i 2007, 2008 og 2010. På scenen stiller følgende band: BEHEXEN, DARKENED NOCTURN SLAUGHTERCULT, MARE, ONE TAIL, ONE HEAD, SONS OF FENRIS, HETROERTZEN, ORMGÅRD og TOMHET.

VREID – Goddamnit DVD

Vreid unleashes their full on black’n roll attack on DVD for the first time, filmed live at Rockefeller inOslo April 10th 2009 (at the Inferno Festival). The set list contains 8 songs, taken from the bands first 4 albums, (album 5,"V" was released earlier this year) making the DVD a nice introduction for new fans,…

NOCTURNAL BLOOD – Devastated Graves – The Morbid Celebration

"Devastated Graves" is the first full-length release from Ghastly Apparition, the sole member of Nocturnal Blood. The music is black death, calling to mind Teitanblood with a bit of Autopsy thrown in for good measure, from the song-writing through to production.  The emphasis is on relentless pounding beats rather than atmosphere and the songs are…

BON JOVI – Oslo – Ullevaal Stadion

Never in all my years did I ever think that I would be standing alongside around 30,000 people as a willing and able participant in an Oprah Winfrey live broadcast and how did I get here in the first place? What if someone sees me? Oh the shame… The confusion lifts all too slowly but…


Guess we are grasping at straws for cool band names these days. Infinita Symphonia display a love for symphonic power metal with occasional nods to traditional or progressive fare. Guests on this debut album “A Mind’s Chronicle” include Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens and Fabio Lione, and overall these 10 tracks (plus “Intro (verted)” the introduction) are…


Infinita Symphonia is a fairly straight forward power-progressive metal band with hints of extreme vocals, symphonic arrangements and focus on melodic content contra instrumental masturbation. The material presented on "A Mind’s Chronicle" isn’t too far from what Pagan’s Mind has done on their later albums. The difference being that Infinita Symphonia is every bit as…

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