MUSTASCH – Sounds Like Hell, Looks Like Heaven

The buzz about this band is contagious: part stoner rock, part metal- and very melodic with their grooves and melodies. Welcome to the world of Swedish quartet Mustasch. "Sounds Like Hell, Looks Like Heaven" is their sixth full length since their 1998 start, but my first time taking in a full record outside of my…

HEAVATAR – Opus I- All My Kingdoms

Van Canto mastermind Stefan Schmidt felt the time is ripe for a new German power metal project band, and as a result the debut album from Heavatar "Opus I- All My Kingdoms" is now upon us. Assembling top flight musicians such as drummer Jorg Michael (ex-Stratovarius, Devil’s Train), guitarist Stefan Schmidt, and bassist David Vogt,…

KAMPFAR – Snart 20

KAMPFAR har turnert hele kloden de siste to årene og avsluttet det med en dobbelkonsert ombord et cruiseskip i Karibien. Samtidig fyller de 20 år snart og da måtte vi dra inn Dolk for å høre litt om cruisekonsertene, litt sterk mimring og hva som kommer fra Kampfar leiren i fremtiden.

THYRFING – De Ödeslösa

Thyrfing has been a wild card for me the last 10 years. They have produced some outstanding albums, specially 2002´s "Vansinnevisor" and some that I regard as total misses. Their kinda unique form of viking metal with strong black influences combined with the melodic aspect on their last effort, 2008´s "Hels Vite" did not do…

Inferno Kick-off Party på John Dee (02/02)

I god tradisjon inviterer Inferno til kick off party på John DEE i Oslo. Koldbrann, Nidingr, Iskald og Oslo Faenskap vil servere oss live-opptredener, og som vanlig vil alle artistene som skal spille på Inferno 2013 bli avslørt. Mellom bandene vil DJ Satan sørge for høy stemning og bratt flaskeføring.

FASTER PUSSYCAT – The Power & The Glory Hole

Many probably remember this California glam/ sleazy hard rock act if you followed the 80’s scene- songs like "Bathroom Wall" and the ballad "House of Pain" gained major exposure during the MTV video years. A combination of internal band strife, addiction issues, and the changing musical tide saw the band implode in 1992. Vocalist Taime…

THE GHOST INSIDE spiller på Sub Scene onsdag (30/01)

Amerikanske The Ghost Inside lanserte deres helt unike merkevare av aggressiv, men melodisk metal/hardcore, da de debuterte med albumet "Fury And The Fallen Ones" i 2007. To intense år på veien gjorde at bandet ikke bare opparbeidet seg et solid liverykte, men det ledet også opp til oppfølgeralbumet "Returners". The Ghost Inside er et solid liveband og onsdag har de med seg Deez Nuts, Stray From The Path og Devil In Me til Sub Scene i Oslo.

DEADLANDS – Evilution

American power metal has for the most part differed from its European counterparts. Maybe it has something to do with the changing climates, blue collar mentality- or just sheer emotional impact of metal in general- but most American musicians who perform in this style do not think of incorporating a bevy of choirs, keyboard layers,…


Platebutikken NESEBLOD RECORDS er 10 år og da må Kenneth få spalteplass. Vi har hørt med kongen av Neseblod om diverse høydepunkt, hva som selger best og dårligst, vinyl, nettsalg, Black Metal Museum og Bunker. Og til slutt stilte vi spørsmålet om han tar 10 år til. Her kommer svarene.

HATE – Solarflesh

Hate er et polsk death metal band som vel aldri har nådd helt opp til sitt potensiale og dermed ikke fått den oppmerksomheten de fortjener. De har turnert flittig rundt omkring i verden og har gjort sin musikk kjent på den måten. Det er blitt åtte antall album så langt i bandets 15 år lange…

COLDSTEEL – America Idle

Sometimes we wonder why bands fade into oblivion. Circumstances dictate that you need to earn a living to pay the bills, especially when you get married and have children- so priorities change. Fortunate for many in the underground, the fire within to be creative can still exist- and as a result we’ve seen a series…


Norwegian raw thrash here from the band Infant Death. This is a 6 song release, limited to 100 copies on cassette tape with Prostata Records. Founded in October 2012, tracks like "Torment Syndrome" and "Ritual Burning" leave little to the imagination- frantic, unhinged, and go for the throat in their impact and leaving the weak…

BLOCKHEADS – This World is Dead

Grindcore på plate uten at det blir noe ensformig og kjedelig, det er vanskelig det. Men franske Blockheads har klart det med sin nye «This World is Dead», som kom ut siste helg på Relapse Records. Et herlig brutalt kaotisk vidunder på 40 minutter som inneholder det du kan forvente og det du tør håpe…

INDOMITE – Theater Of Time

This six-piece progressive metal act from Columbia may have started with Spanish language material, but make the transition to English work appear seamless on their debut album "Theater of Time". Featuring a multi-pronged vocal attack (strong, clear clean main vocals from Santiago Giraldo, gruff growls from guitarist Juan Carlos Sanchez), the 9 songs encapsulate musicianship…

SAXON – Sacrifice

Many NWOBHM acts rest on the laurels of their early accomplishments. Nostalgia only gets you so far in the metal business, especially since the old touring model rears its head again to keep bands alive- and new product seems to be an afterthought in terms of sustaining a living. Saxon never subscribed to this philosophy.…

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