CHRYST – Dette er en utfordring

Christof Niederwieser er eneste medlem i dette bandet. Bandets merkverdige album "PhantasmaChronica" er en reise gjennom et helt merkverdig landskap. Du vet aldri hva som kommer bak neste sving. Jeg tok kontakt med mannen bak Chryst for å høre hvordan han har kommet frem til det vanvittige verket "Phantasmachronica".

SJODOGG – Kreativ Galskap

Roy Kristensen og Bjørn Nørsterud (Scream magazine) inviterte Sjodogg på et atmosfærisk besøk i området like utenfor hovedstaden. Bandet gav ut et progressivt black metal album for et par år siden og nå var tiden kommer for mer psykotisk og minimalistisk black metal. Norsk ja, men samtidig unorsk.


I think atmosphere is the essential word. As in, this is atmospheric doom black metal and you probably need to be in a certain state of mind to really get something from the music. I mean, the music is flowing and comfortable, but there’s not that much that happens. When they go acoustic, you know…

DEATHSPELL OMEGA – Diabolus Absconditus

Are there words in the English language that are able to do justice to this song, this song that contains everything, EVERYTHING, everything that I like about music? You know this certain feeling, you feel it every time you listen to the song but you don’t know which word or words that are most suitable.…

GROMTH – The Immortal

Let me first tell you that even though I’ve written lyrics for this album, I have had nothing to do with the music. I am not a part of the band per se. I’ve always been a sucker for symphonic extremities, such as Tartaros ("The Red Jewel" is still one of my favourites), Limbonic Art,…

OPETH – Heritage

Damn… …nation. Heri… …tage… Clean vocals. No, them two albums are not two for the price of one. Where the premium is an amazing journey through silent darkness, "Heritage" is an excellent progressive rock album. The sound is impeccable, Åkerfeldt’s singing is immaculate and the songs are ear candy for those who give it more…

1349 – Oslo – Rockefeller

Hvordan skal så black metal egentlig være, når det kommer til formidling av musikken via en sceneopptreden? Det er delte meninger der noen foretrekker full pakke like i nærheten av det Watain presenterer, mens andre vil ha ting mer rett frem og uten noen form for staffasje. Gehenna tilhører siste leiren, der de fremfører sin…

ALFA OBSCURA – Plutonian Shores

No doubt that Bjeima, responsible for Yurei and cooperating in Delerium Bound and more, is a talented force in the underground black metal scene. I guess it’s his ear for dissonance that makes his works worth while. You kind of get a feeling what’s lurking behind the next corner, but you cannot be really sure.…

ABIGOR – Channelling The Quintessence Of Satan 2011

The band has rearranged the original tracks, recorded new bass and laid new vocal arrangements on this 2011 version of the 1999 album. The lyrics are revised. I do rarely like rereleases. Rerecordings are really not my cup of tea. That the 2011 version of "Channelling…" is a mix of both is not favourable either.…


French lyrics rarely do the trick for me. Not that I give a shit about understand the words, but it’s more a question of the sound of the words, related to extreme metal. The grimness that in example English possesses is more my cup of black tea. Language aside, Malevoentia’s orchestral/symphonic black metal is of…


Helloween light. That’s perhaps a bit too easy, or as the band/label definitely will claim: unserious. But what I hear is what I hear, and any new day I will claim exactly the same when we speak about the Italian’s sixth full-lenght album. The sound is too thin, and the vocalist has a hard time…

MADDER MORTEM – Oslo – Gamla

Oppmøtet var bra nok det, der mye av den nokså lille salen på Gamla var fylt opp med venner, kjente og fans. Dermed var det duket for nok en feiende flott Madder Mortem konsert. Det er en stund siden sist, og jeg må si at jeg var nysgjerrig på det nye materialet, siden vi var…

UNEXPECT – Fables Of The Sleepless Empire

I’m not going to deny that this is a much anticipated release, and I must admit that I was more than sceptic towards it, since their former "In A Flesh Aquarium" means so much to me. (read review of that album HERE). And it took me some time to break the codex within " Fables…

UNEXPECT – In A Flesh Aquarium

                         Part I – the asylum If this isn’t the hardest to get metal album of all ages, then you can call me a clown. And I am no clown. I have tried to understand this, but when I see one picture in my head…

DJEVEL – Dødssanger

I have a dream. If Djevel opened, Koldbrann continued and a dynamic 1349 closed, that would’ve been a dream come true. True Norwegian Black Metal? Who gives a fuck. This is simply put great Norwegian black metal. Great songs. Great riffs. Surprising parts. The sound is great. The musicianship is great. The vocals are great.…

ABORYM – Darkness

(…this article is in English…)Fjorårets "Psychogrotesque" er et album fullt av overraskelser. Det er urovekkende, variert og det er et album som krever tålmodighet. Eternal Terrors Roy Kristensen tok kontakt med ABORYM og Fabban, H: I0: K og den norske trommeslageren Faust svarte på vår inkvisisjon.

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