Det er ingen tvil om at enkelte personer har større platesamlinger enn de fleste av oss. Derfor er vårt fjerde kapittel i «A Dive…» med utvalgte personer med ekstra store samlinger. Vårt neste offer i denne runden er  Sverre Rokseth fra Fresh Tea.

STEEL PROPHET – Omniscient

Another lengthy layoff between studio recordings for this veteran California power/ progressive metal outfit. Their last album "Beware" hit the streets a decade ago in 2004, sans primary vocalist Rick Mythiasin as ex-London singer Nadir D’Priest took over the microphone reins. Since then they’ve seen many of their early albums re-issued in either CD or…


The fourth album from Atlanta, Georgia’s Halcyon Way "Conquer" is another testament to the developing sonic outlook and songwriting for this quintet. Straddling the lines of modern, progressive metal, the 12 songs continue to employ a dual clean/ death vocal outlook (shared between main singer Steve Braun and lead guitarist Jon Bodan) and appear to…

VOODOO GODS – Anticipation for Blood Leveled in Darkness

A US Death Metal supergroup of sorts, Voodoo Gods contains notables like Cannibal Corpse vocalist George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher, guitarist David Shankle (who worked with Manowar for 7 years), and Sceptic guitarist Hiro in its ranks. This second album has a lot of progressive influences, especially in terms of bassist Jean Baudin who tears up his…

FORCE OF DARKNESS – Absolute Verb of Chaos and Darkness

Ullen lyd og kaos er en dårlig kombinasjon som i alle fall ikke slår an her i heimen. Black/death metal av ikke så fryktelig stor kvalitet men med mye kaos. Bandet har sikkert gode intensjoner, men dette funker ikke på noen måte. Litt oldschool og og (heldigvis) bare sju låter. Det er vel det eneste…


Is it acceptable for a German act mainly known for melodic death metal to advance their style into sub-genres like thrash and classic rock? Burden of Grief believe so on their 6th album "Unchained". Injecting enough variety in terms of the riff choices, tempos, and even manner of aggression to create everything from a modern…

OPETH – Pale Communion

I was a huge Opeth fan back in the early 2000´s when their fifth full-length  "Blackwater Park" was released and I still listen quite a lot to all of Opeth´s music except for maybe 2011´s "Heritage". Even the superb "Damnation" is on heavy rotation so Opeth´s musical diversity has good grip on my metal heart.…

VICTORY – Don’t Get Mad Get Even (Re-issue)

Germany’s Victory may not have been a huge hit in North America, but they have made a decent European impact through their melodic brand of heavy metal. Featuring vocalist Charlie Huhn, Accept guitarist Herman Frank, and infamous producer / guitarist Tommy Newton, along with bassist Peter Knorn and drummer Fritz Randow, the second album "Don’t…


The sixth album from Swiss folk death metal act Eluveitie is another whirlwind affair of extreme riffs, bagpipes, violins, and hurdy gurdy instrumentation, and dual male/female vocals that whip out lyrics of Celtic/ Helvetian history. Two member changes (Nicole Ansperger – violin, Rafael Salzmann- guitars) do not keep the eight-piece band from moving along, fluctuating…

HOUSTON – Relaunch II

Swedish AOR band returns with an album in "Relaunch II" – an unusual move in their career as there are 4 new original songs and 6 covers made famous by artists like John Farnham, One Republic, Rick Springfield, and Lady Gaga among others. Let’s get to the originals first: "Don’t Look Back" has a strong…

BELPHEGOR – Conjuring the Dead

Etter å ha lest kollega Ole-Kristians anmeldelse av denne skiva her på Eternal Terror og en del andre anmeldelser rundt omkring på internettet, måtte jeg sjekke ut den siste skiva til Belphegor selv, for det var stor sprik i hva anmelderne mente om skiva. Var skiva så bra som enkelte mente eller var den ikke…

BLOODBATH til Inferno 2015

Den svenske supergruppen BLOODBATH er klare for Inferno Metal Festival 2015! Bandet har holdt den klassiske svenske death metal-soundet i live med noen av de mest kjente svenske metal-artistene om bord. Tidligere har blant andre Dan Swanö (Edge of Sanity), Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth), Anders Nyström (Katatonia), Jonas Renske (Katatonia), Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy) og Martin Axenrot (Witchery) vært innom bandet. Dagnes besetning vil dog bli annonsert på et senere tidspunkt. Se bort i fra store navn; fordi deres musikk overgår det meste, og dette bandet er helt suverent! Dette blir deres tilbakekomst til scenen etter 5 år og endelig tar bandet turen til Norge og Inferno Metal Festival!

BRIMSTONE COVEN – Brimstone Coven

Dark occult rock, retro hard rock, whatever you want to call it – there’s definitely a buzz about this style that takes the sounds of the 60’s and 70’s and brings it forth in a way to appeal to a new generation that wasn’t even alive. Hailing from Wheeling, West Virginia, Brimstone Coven is a…

APHYXION – Earth Entangled

After 3 self-released EP’s and a single, we finally get the debut album from Danish death/thrash metal act Aphyxion with "Earth Entangled". I don’t know if I would really consider this classic death metal, as the vocals of Michael Vahl along with some of the down tuned riffing and similar grooves could be more so…

TOM WAHL – A Dive…

Det er ingen tvil om at enkelte personer har større platesamlinger enn de fleste av oss. Derfor er vårt fjerde kapittel i «A Dive…» med utvalgte personer med ekstra store samlinger. Vårt neste offer i denne runden er Tom Wahl fra Trondheim.

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