REAPER – An Atheist Monument

The fifth studio album from veteran German traditional metal quartet Reaper is an interesting 12 song, 64 minute foray back in time. Remember the days of guitar riffs sending chills down your spine because of the right evil chord combinations? Or a steady back beat rhythmically that wasn’t fancy, adding the appropriate rolls and fills…

MIASMIC THEORY – Miasmic Theory

The follow up release to last year’s "Sound of Desperation" debut album, 2014’s self-titled record is another continuation of their rough and tumble death/thrash meets rock ‘n’ roll style. The band has two vocalists (male and female) who are both ripping screamers and growlers – showcasing larynx versatility and aggression on "Watch Your Step" and…

SECTU – Nefarious

The third album "Nefarious" from Swedish death metal artists Sectu comes with yet another rhythm section change to the lineup. Bassist Johan Niemann and drummer Richard Evensand are the new musicians, expanding the band to a quartet. Never fear though- the ripping, aggressive riffs and technically savvy lead breaks along with pummeling tempos still make…

OCEAN CHIEF – Universums Härd

The Swedish doom/sludge/stoner metal entity named Ocean Chief has vomited forth its fourth album in the shape of "Universums Härd", which contains 7 rather raw and heavy songs filled with nihilistic riffs and unpleasant chords. "Universums Härd" is a grim and nasty record in some ways, partly due to the unpleasant vocals. I quite like…

GREEN CARNATION – Another Night Under The Dam

"On July 31st, deep into the mountains in South Norway, the progrock/avantgarde legends Green Carnation will reunite for their second conceptual show Another Night Under The Dam."  Sånn promoterer den andre utgaven av bandets akustiske konsert allerede kjent som DVDen "A night under the dam ‘. Da jeg fant ut om konserten (og siden "Acoustic Verses" er et album jeg elsker så mye), var jeg så spent jeg nesten sølte et glass øl på Kjetil Nordhus. Og etterpå har jeg stresset ham med min forespørsel om et intervju i forbindelse med konserten på Roots Festival i Eikarpen, for å finne ut om det vil være identisk som DVDen eller ikke, om noe nytt med bandet, kanskje planer om andre live konserter, osv. Hvis du er nysgjerrig selv, vil du mest sannsynlig finne noe svar i teksten nedenfor.

ZAUM – Oracles

The Canadian duo named Zaum performs atmospheric and at times meditative and hypnotic doom metal/stoner rock influenced by antiquity and the battles of the ancient Middle East. The riffs are somewhat simple, catchy and drone-like while the vocals are somewhat chanted and otherworldly. There are ambient-like passages and percussion parts that enhance and underline the…

UNAUSSPRECLICHEN KULTEN – Baphomet, Pan, Shub-Niggurath

Some Chilean death metal up next with the third full-length from Unausspreclichen Kulten. Rather than the raw and bestial sound you might expect, these guys come up with something a bit more sophisticated and surprising, even if it does have both feet firmly planted in the early 90’s. For a start, the band gets bonus…

HIGH ON FIRE spiller på Blå tirsdag (29/07)

High on Fire har eksistert siden 1998, startet av Matt Pike fra velkjente Sleep. Power-trioen fra Oakland har bak seg seks kritikerroste album, og har blitt lovprist av bl.a. Pitchfork, Kerrang og Revolver. Deres sjette studioalbum "De Vermis Mysteriis" ble utgitt i April i fjor, produsert av Converge-gitaristen Kurt Ballou. Tirsdag tar de med seg Monolithic og spiller på Blå i Oslo!

TOMBS – Savage Gold

‘Savage Gold’ is the third full-length album from Brooklyn four-piece Tombs. It was the first I had ever heard of this band, but I am certain after 20 spins that it won’t be the last I hear of them. I suppose the hardest part of this review is going to be describing Tomb’s music. It…

KHTONIIK CERVIIKS cassette – Heptaedrome

‘Heptaedrome’ is the first album-length release from German trio Khtoniik Cerviiks, published only on cassette (Why? What if I don’t have electricity in my cave? What if I sold my cassette machine 27 years ago to buy a betamax video player?) and limited to 300 copies (Why not just issue a one-off wax phonograph for…

NASTY WHORES – Nasty Whores

This Italian quartet certainly throw their feet into the fire as far as a name that will provoke controversy – as four male musicians playing in the hard rock genre calling themselves Nasty Whores will get a lot of press coverage. Starting in 2008 as teenagers, they spent a lot of years finalizing the best…

OMNIHILITY – Deathscapes of the Subconscious

Oregon’s Omnihility return for their second full length in "Deathscapes of the Subconscious". Consisting of 7 full songs and 2 interludes ("Ancient Ruins Forlorn I + II"), this is technical and brutal death metal 100% of the American variety. "Lost Sands of Antiquity" and "Disseminate" among others contain venomous guitar swarms, frantic bass lines, incessant…


In existence since 2006, this Italian progressive metal quartet has been honing in their sound for quite a few years. Probably a smart ideal if you want to make an impression on a cynical scene, especially in a realm that has very few leaders/ originators and a lot of copycats. "Humananke" is their debut album,…

BAD RELIGION – Oslo – Rockefeller

I over 30 år har Bad Religion spilt punk-konserter, til tross for en del forandringer i deres line-up, spiller de nå med tre av fire av originalmedlemmene. Dette er et av verdens mest hardtarbeidende band og i sin katalog har de mye musikk som har inspirert en hel generasjon av unge musikere. Denne kvelden var…

EQUILIBRIUM – Erdentempel

The fourth studio album from Germany’s Equilibrium is another stirring epic folk/ Viking metal affair. "Erdentempel" contains 12 tracks that feature a lot of extreme elements in terms of Robert Dahn’s gruff semi-growl vocal nature and speedy guitar overtures from René Berthiaume and Dom R. Grey, coupled with René symphonic keyboard layers and the occasional…

CASTLE – Under Siege

The third studio album from San Francisco’s Castle, "Under Siege" is another affair that straddles the lines of heavy metal and doom. A power trio lineup featuring the sultry, mystical voice of bassist Elizabeth Blackwell, the thick old school guitar chug of Mat Davis, as well as the steady backbeat and appropriate fill work from…


Årets JALOMETALLI METAL MUSIC FESTIVAL blir arrangert 8. og 9. august i den finske byen Oulu. Nytt av året er at de har flyttet til nye lokaler og plakaten toppes i år av KING DIAMOND, LOUDNESS, DARK ANGEL, TESTAMENT, TRIPTYKON og SAMAEL.

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