DJEVEL – spiller på Parkteatret i Oslo Billettpris 350,- +avg. Dørene åpner 19:00 Aldersgrense 18 Dato 11.11.23 Kjøp billett Djevel Special guest: Ritual Death Med en lengre diskografi, har Djevel etablert seg som et av landets fremste black metal-band. Her, på Parkteatret, skal bandet gjøre sin eneste klubbkonsert i Norge i 2023. Her vil de presentere nytt og gammelt, men med…

DANKO JONES – spiller på Rockefeller

Onsdag 22/11-2023 RockefellerDANKO JONES + support: Radkey Billetter kjøpes her Den eminente powertrioen Danko Jones kommer tilbake til Rockefeller 22. november. Rock ‘n’ roll ain’t no luxury item. It’s essential. It’s the blood in our veins and the fire in our hearts. And nobody does it better than Danko Jones! Siden de ble grunnlagt…

FIERCE JUSTICE – new single out

“Doppelganger” explores themes of identity, deception, and a twisted connection between two individuals. Reflections on indoctrination, the merging of identities, and the dark allure of their doppelganger. It emphasizes the intertwining of their minds and the resulting horrors. The song culminates in a realization that their actions have created a shared, nightmarish reality, and they…

MESSIER 16 – new track out

Photo: Lodovica di Bernardo MESSIER 16 releases new track Death Poem III: Barefoot’s Self-Suppression This song recounts the last days of an older japanese man of the feudal age, who, from a life of poverty and injustice, reflects and chooses to take control over his closing actions. The concept of Death Poems has historically had…


RELEASE YEAR: 2023BAND URL: Saucy, entertaining, eclectic, and above all highly uplifting, the sparkling new opus by Ocean of Lotion is the kind of thing that is impossible not to dance to unless you are a sourpuss or completely dead inside. What you get is synth-driven pop containing catchy melodies, an endless supply of…

CRYFEMAL – La Gran Victoria del Mal

RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: The manic and maniacal brand of fiercely intense black metal spawned by Cryfemal rarely fails to excite me. As with the solid and morbidly entertaining 2020 offering titled Eterna Oscuridad, this upcoming 30-minute shroud of musical darkness delivers a proper kick to the abdomen and sounds outright vicious and insane.…

DEADSPACE – Unveiling the Palest Truth

RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: Infinitely bleak and outright oppressive soundscapes envelop the mind when digesting the ominous content that makes up the latest offering by the Australian black metal duo known as Deadspace, and we might as well establish the fact that this is one of the year’s most captivating releases. Now that we…

LAZYWALL – interview

Lazywall – Moroccan rock trio performing an oriental rock/metal hybrid, a tagine of traditional Arabic time signatures and instruments and powerful altrock. Addressing modern topics like climate changes, various injustices, corruption, the band does so in Arabic and thus can be accessible to an audience where maybe some of the other languages do not reach…

HALESTORM spiller på Rockefeller

Mandag 13/11-2023 Sentrum SceneHALESTORM with Black Veil Brides + support: Mothica Billetter kjøpes her I et forrykende høyt tempo og med rå energi, er Halestorm igjen klare for å ta hovedstaden med storm. 13. november kommer de tilbake til Sentrum Scene – denne gangen sammen med hardrockerne i Black Veil Brides. Den kraftfulle kvartetten,…

ÅRABROT – slipper nytt album

Foto: Thomas Knights Årabrot slipper albumet Of Darkness And Light – ute 13.oktober  Det er en tidløshet i musikken til Årabrot; akkurat når du tror du har pekt ut en innflytelse eller et referansepunkt, vil det unnslippe grepet ditt, vri og snu seg i uventede retninger, og forme en lyd som er virkelig unik. De to…

ALL THIS FOR NOTHING – new track out

Progressive Punk Unit All This For Nothing Release Powerful New Single Idle Man. Today, All This For Nothing, the dynamic and genre-defying progressive punk outfit, is set to shake the foundations of the music scene with the release of their latest single, Idle Man on Mongrel Records. The track, a raw and introspective exploration of…

ARKENTYPE – new single out

On Friday October 13th, Norwegian progressive metal band Arkentype will drop their latest single, as the heaviest track recorded by the band. Blast beats, djenting, guitar solo, death metal growls – ‘Burning Mind’ demands the listeners attention from the very first moment, plunging through the entire track with a rock heavy attitude and the hardest…

INFERNO METAL FESTIVAL 2024 – CYNIC og flere andre band

Flere nye artister er bekreftet til Inferno Metal Festival 2024. Vi ønsker Cynic, Dwaal, Jo Quail, Automaton, Celestial Scourge og Deception velkommen til Inferno Metal Festival 2024. CYNIC Cynic er et amerikansk progressivt rockband. Bandet startet som et thrash metal-band tilbake i 1987 og etter et par demoer gikk bandet i mer progressiv retning hvor…

RAVENOIR – to release new album

Moravian RAVENOIR brings „Cultus Inferi“ Blackened Death Metal band RAVENOIR will release new full-length album „Cultus Inferi“ under the banner of Czech label Black Barn Music on October 31st. The cover artwork for RAVENOIR‘s third studio album was created by Mexican artist Nestor Avalos who is also known for his cooperation with such bands like…

MYRKUR – new album out October 20th

MYRKUR unfolds the next chapter in her personal mythology of Amalie Bruun, setting a new course for the enigmatic composer, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist. Marked by the birth of her child, and a means of making sense of the storm of emotions in that wake, her forthcoming album Spine charts a new course for Bruun through the most turbulent…

VIMAARA – interview

Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:Vimaara is an online solo metal project based in Toulouse, France. Under the banner of the ouroboros – the ancient symbol of a snake eating its own tail, which is often interpreted as a symbol of eternal cyclical renewal or a cycle of life, death and rebirth –…

INFINITY – The Untamed Hunger

RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: To be perfectly frank, it has been a long time since I last listened to this highly potent and efficient black metal duo from the Netherlands, which makes very little sense as I was really into their Enter Thy Labyrinth of Hell assault from 2005, but I am thrilled that…

CHOROSIA – new EP out

Unleashing the prog/post-sludge fury – Chorosia’s “Stray Dogs” EP is out now! Brace yourselves for Chorosia’s EP “Stray Dogs”! Which is out now via Grazil Records and Kvlt und Kaos Productions! Hailing from Vienna, Austria, Chorosia delivers a 35-minute transformative odyssey, combining raw power and haunting melodies. We promise: this EP’s signature blend of harsh growls and compelling instrumentation…

ARABS IN ASPICS – backcatalogue releases

KARISMA RECORDS ANNOUNCES DETAILS OF THREE BACK-CATALOGUE RE-RELEASES  FROM PROG ROCKERS ARABS IN ASPIC ARABS IN ASPIC are no newcomers to the prog scene,  having  been at  the forefront of 70’s inspired progressive rock and proto-hard rock for fifteen years.  Based in Trondheim, Norway, the band’s roots can be traced to the Golden Era of rock,…

VILDHJARTA – new single

Sweden’s VILDHJARTA have just released “+ ylva +”, find the song on all digital platforms or here: After releasing “måsstaden under vatten” to much acclaim in 2021 VILDHJARTA felt it was time to open a new chapter. “+ ylva +” is the next phase of that chapter.   VILDHJARTA online: VILDHJARTA stores: (EU/worldwide) (US/worldwide)

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