MOLOCH – FUll album stream
Eternal Terror kan i dag by på full album streaming av "The Vatican Cellars", albumet nr.2 fra det polske bandet MOLOCH, som har release date Oktober 31 via Via Nocturna
Eternal Terror kan i dag by på full album streaming av "The Vatican Cellars", albumet nr.2 fra det polske bandet MOLOCH, som har release date Oktober 31 via Via Nocturna
SHINING releases new track plus the album cover and complete track-list, as well as starting pre-sale for their upcoming album.
Ingenting fra Austrått. Bandet som takket nei til MGP-Eurovision Song Contest, og Allsang på grensen var for så vidt heller ikke helt greia for dem. De inntar John Dee i Oslo, fredag 10. november
Full album streaming available for Stahlsarg – ‘Mechanisms of Misanthropy’, album out October 31st on Non Serviam Records
Fotokreditering: Tim Cadiente A Perfect Circle kommer til Oslo for første gang!
Alyssa Drone – the new album announced bt Ohmwork, out 20th of October through Rob Mules Records
"Graham Bonnet – The Story Behind the Shades" by author Steve Wright is simply put an excellent book containing 176 pages that perfectly summarize and chronicle living legend Graham Bonnet’s fifty-year long career in music. Wright takes us through Bonnet’s childhood years in Skegness and his first dabblings in music to the success of The…
The lethal Swedish thrash/speed/heavy metal quartet known as Insane spat forth this ugly and intense brew of face-melting music a few months ago via Duplicate Records and I must say that I am impressed by what these fuckbags have come up with. Not only are their tunes memorable and catchy, but the musicianship is superb…
Blut Aus Nord are a french band formed in 1994. The discography is impressive and combines different styles that range from Black Metal, a bit DM as well here and there, to more experimental Industrial / Dark Wave and Avant-garde. In 2014 the band released one of their best Black Metal albums. A beautiful harmonic…
This intriguing and interesting book by author Andy Francis entitled “When Punk Rocked” is basically a timeline in words and pictures that chronicles the rise and fall of punk rock and its mutation into New Wave and so on. It takes you from ground zero, i..e the emergence of the style and genre in 1976,…
Eternal Terror kan i dag by på full album streaming av "Urn", det nyeste albumet til det australske bandet NE OBLIVISCARIS, som har release date Oktober 27 via Season of Mist
The blasphemous Turkish duo named Zifir recently unleashed this third full-length assault of theirs entitled "Kingdom of Nothingness" via the ever-reliable Duplicate Records and the blackened and ugly 13-song effort is quite satisfying in a number of ways. While the songs may appear a tad linear at first, the beauty of them is that underneath…
The blind dead are riding again: HOODED MENACE premieres a new track taken from the forthcoming album, ‘Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed’ (out January 25th 2018 via Season of Mist)
Sarke released their fifth full-length Viige Urh on October 13. This time they are infusing the Viking theme into the music. This is not being done in the same metal fashion as other epic, folk bands have done. They borrow from genres which you wouldn’t normally see mixed into anything Viking. They are attempting to…
Black Altar has made a videoclip for the "Tophet" song from the forthcoming split with Beastcraft which will be released for XXI Anniversary of Black Altar.
Eternal Terror kan i dag by på full album streaming av "Crossburner", det fjerde full length albumet til det amerikanske bandet COMPLETE FAILURE.
Eternal Terror kan i dag by på full album streaming av "Timewrought Kings", fra det nederlandanske bandet Apotelesma.
This was a single I was anticipating a lot. Vredehammer has gotten even better now in my opinion. The thrashy nature of the past album has now given place to tight solid DM, and there are no visible traces of Amon Amarthish Viking to be heard anywhere. Pretty much excellent, technical and totally crushing Black…
Nytt SKAMBANKT album kommer tidlig 2018 via Indie Recordings og banded allerede annonserer turnédatoer.
Det er mandag kveld og Papa Roach skal spille opp til fest i Oslo sin storstue, Rockefeller. Dette er en konsert som for mange forhåpentligvis reparerer blåmandagen. Når jeg ankommer før konserten starter føles det som et veldig glissent oppmøte, men heldigvis fylles det sakte men sikkert opp helt fram til showstart. PAPA ROACH…