BLASTFEST – Ny festival i Bergen

I februar vil en ny metalfestival se dagens lys i Bergen. BLASTFEST er navnet og allerede i dag er TRIPTYKON, MAYHEM, CARPATHIAN FOREST, SAHG, SHINING, ANAAL NATHRAKH, HELLISH OUTCAST og WOLAND klare. Det er Blastphemy Productions som står bak festivalen, som vil finne sted på Garage og på Verftet i Bergen 20. til 22. februar.

BUNKER II – Saturday – Parkteateret

This years edition of Bunker had quite an impressive list of names on the bill and it´s really pleasing to see that the festival is expanding. Allready looking forward to next year. Unfortually I did get sick early in the week so I did miss the mighty Intergrity on thursday but my personal favorite booking…


This Sweden band made quite an impression on the classic AOR crowd with their debut self-titled album in 2010- with lots of talk of a revival of the movement thanks to their stellar hooks and songwriting. "II" will be measured accordingly to see if Hank Erix, Ricky Delin, and Freddie Allen can make lightning strike…

DECAPITATED til Norge i januar 2014

Det polske death metal bandet DECAPITATED kommer til Norge i januar. Det blir tre konserter her til lands og det er Oslo, Bergen og Stavanger som er de heldige utvalgte. Dette skjer 22. til 24. januar. Blood Red Throne er med på alle tre konsertene og det kommer til et supportband.

COFFINS – The Fleshland

Blytung death-doom er hva vi får fra japanske Coffins. Et lite 70-talls preg finnes i enkelte av låtene, noen raskere partier finnes også, men for det meste handler dette om doom/death metal av typen midtempo med seige tunge nedstemte riff. Kan minne litt om Entombed i sine seigeste tider rundt «Left Hand Path» og «Clandestine»…

SECRETS OF SIN – Future Memories

Southern German symphonic metal band Secrets Of Sin release their debut full length album "Future Memories"- gaining a new female vocalist in the process with Christina Glover. These 11 tracks clock in at a reasonable 58 minutes, presenting a down to earth melodic style with variant clean vocals from guitarist Robert Mansk and a sound…

GETAWAY 2013 – Day 3 – Gävle, Sweden

SATURDAY The weather forecast was warm but variable and my feet were suggesting less standing so I decided to start off with Civil War which features former Sabaton members and the excellent Nils Patrick Johansson (Astral Doors) on vocals. They played almost all songs from their full-length album released earlier this year, understandably enough as…

SOUNDS OF UNITY feirer 1 år (6/9 & 7/9)

Sounds of Unity har 1års jubileum! Og det skal selvfølgelig feires! Siden september 2012 har de arrangert konserter i ulike sjangre i Sal 4 på Kolben kulturhus, noe som har vært en stor suksess. Når de nå skal feire ett år med gode konsertopplevelser sparer de ikke på noe! Dette blir en fest i hardcore, punk og metallens tegn. Feiringen foregår 6. og 7. september i Kolben Sal 4, med fire band hver kveld. Sounds of Unity fortsetter å fremme lokale aktører, men denne gang er de stolte av å melde at de også har fått med Oslo Faenskap!


Pentagarm Chile (formely known as Pentagram but due to respect for Bobby Liebling and his Pentragram they changed name a couple of years ago) is a bona fide cult act. They have been forerunners of evil trash metal sporadically since their first demo back in 1986.  Since their inception "The Malefice" is their debut full-length…

TABERAH – Necromancer

It’s always exciting to watch the development of a band- especially one who impressed you right out of the gate like Australia’s Taberah. In 2011 their first album "The Light Of Which I Dream" put the four-piece on my musical radar screen, developing strong vocal and guitar harmonies that would appeal to Iron Maiden and…

GETAWAY 2013 – Day 2 – Gävle, Sweden

FRIDAY Behemoth got the title for loudest playing band but clearly there were sound issues with Nergal’s guitar which did not sound good at times and the panning of the guitars was like in the early days of stereo: everything to one side. This was actually the only time during the whole festival I could…

WISDOM – Marching For Liberty

Holy power metal with obvious reference points! Welcome to the Hungarian quintet Wisdom, active since 2001 and on their third album "Marching for Liberty". The 12 songs are chock full of speedy tandem guitar runs full of cultural harmony, persistent double bass, and multi-part choruses designed for audience participation. Freedom Call, Gamma Ray, Helloween, and…


If you are going to approach a deeper sonic ambiance in the gothic doom metal genre, you might as well assemble a varied group of musicians. Case in point- this Italian band, with seven full time members: three female (Laura- keyboards, Judith- clean and soprano vocals, Federica- extreme vocals) and four males (Marco Cattaneo- bass,…

GETAWAY 2013 – Day 1 – Gävle, Sweden

Getaway Rock Festival is held at an old gas distribution plant, with two large round buildings that were used for storing gas in huge balloons in earlier times. But not anymore as on this particular weekend the larger of the two brick buildings was used for beating people’s brains in (Black Stage). The other of…

ICED EARTH – Live in Ancient Kourion

To be honest, I have not given Iced Earth´s studio albums much notice the last 10 years or so. 1991´s "Night of the Stormrider" is the only IE album that really hit home in my book but I did really like their second vocalist Matt Barlow much better than Greely that sang on that one.…

TNT + WITHIN TEMPTATION – Trondheim – Borggården

This is my first review, and lucky as a girl can be, I got to review both TNT and Within Temptation, two bands I know quite well and have listened a lot to, especially TNT. TNT: Being born and raised in Trondheim, TNT has become a part of my childhood and rock `n roll education.…

HAKEN – The Mountain

Opening this third album with a sparse piano ballad that evokes classic Queen feelings in "The Path", the sextet Haken think the time is now to broaden all horizons with their progressive metal thoughts. "The Mountain" is their debut for Inside Out Music, and a perfect addition to the label because the band uses every…

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