CONFLICTED – Under Bio-lence

CONFLICTED – Under Bio-lence

The second album from Chile’s Conflicted is a thrasher’s delight – containing an equal mix of Anthrax/Overkill East Coast thump and the viciousness and segment shifting abilities that put the Bay Area on the map during the 1980’s. The occasional mid-tempo number like "Instrument of Death" proves brief respite from the speedy proceedings, and the equally vicious word roller coaster vocalist Felipe Huerta employs has a lot of Vio-lence / Sean Killian traits, albeit a touch clearer.

Three of the ten tracks clock in under two minutes- Conflicted subscribing to a ‘get in and get out’ mentality that serves them well. A lot of the pacing for "Legal Emptiness" and the closer "OBDC" reminds me of early Anthrax meets Nuclear Assault, a relentless locomotive in guitar riffing and rhythm play that is hard pressed to find in many young thrash bands these days.

Entertaining for sure, "Under Bio-lence" will allow its listeners to head bang, circle pit, and stage dive to their hearts content.