KVELERTAK – Bastionen, Bergen

  KVELERTAK live @ Bastionen, Bergen 2017(Photo: Kristoffer Rye) Med ti års jubeleum i år, har Kvelertak hevdet seg godt nasjonalt og internasjonalt iløpet av årene som har gått. Man kan, uten tvil, si at Kvelertak har trukket det lengste strået når de blir personlig utvalgt til å varme opp for selveste Metallica under hele…

KRYPTONITE – Kryptonite

Once you establish your talent and a fan base, opportunities abound for musicians to flex their collective muscles and set their sights on new creative endeavors. Kryptonite is another example of assembling musicians from other known acts in the melodic hard rock/metal community and putting out their self-titled 11 song debut record. Singer Jacob Samuel…

WES ORSHOSKI – The Damned: Don’t You Wish That We Were Dead

I was fortunate enough to get my filthy paws on this superb documentary on legendary punk rock gods The Damned by director Wes Orshoski and this is one of those features that manages to actually get underneath the skin of who and what The Damned are and why they are considered pioneers of the aforementioned…

LEPROUS – Malina

Fy faen! Nå har jeg hørt kun denne utgivelsen gjennom helgen og jeg sier bare: FY FAEN! Makan til atmosfære og inntrykk denne skiva gir deg.. Utviklingen til dette bandet er bare stor og jeg skal sjekke ut hvor de spiller live, for dette, DETTE skal jeg få med meg!  Skiva er nok roligere enn…


 World Trade is a progressive rock outfit consisting of seasoned players and veterans, namely Billy Sherwood, Guy Allison, Bruce Gowdy, and Mark T. Williams, and "Unify" is the band’s third album. Truth be told, I was quite excited about listening to this 10-track effort of theirs in that I respect and admire Billy Sherwood and…

QUIET RIOT – Road Rage

The semi-legendary heavy metal outfit known as Quiet Riot is ready to attack once again and quite recently unleashed an 11-track album that looks to both the band’s glorious musical past as well as its future. While firmly rooted in what may be termed old-school metal and hard rock, the record has a modern edge…

MR. BIG – Defying Gravity

To be perfectly honest with you, it has been quite a while since I last dug into an album by Mr. Big. I had no idea what to expect when this 2017 effort of theirs entitled "Defying Gravity" showed up one day, but I was pleasantly surprised hy this 11-track record of solid and dynamic…


Som offisielt medlem av First Circle (Year of the Goat sin eksklusive fan club) skal undertegnede være den første til å innrømme at oppmøtet denne kvelden ikke var grunnet Black Magic. Med det sagt er det aldri feil å bli positivt overrasket av et band man ikke har noe særlig forhold til. Om man at…

LEPROUS to release new album

 Leprous will release their new album "Malina" on Friday, August 25thSoon afterwards they will start a headlining European tour to promote the album.They will bring the following artists as guests on this tour: Agent Fresco from Island, Australian band AlithiA and Nowegian Astrosaur.


Septic Flesh, the mighty band who gave us one of the best, if not the best, symphonic death metal albums ever released, namley "Sumerian Daemon" from 2003. And just then, at the peak of their career, everything ended. No more Septic Flesh. Until 2008… Behold, Septicflesh! So, how do you return after delivering theperformance of…

Video premiere: FLESHKILLER

Eternal Terror is produly presenting a fresh video of the Norwegian-American collaboration known as FLESHKILLER. The video is for the song Warfare coming up on the new album AWAKEN out on Indie Recordings  September 15th, 2017


Våre venner i Necrophobic har denne uka gitt ut en to-spors EP de har kalt «Pesta». Dette er en liten forsmak på deres nye album som er ventet en gang neste år. Som sagt, to låter. Den første, tittellåta, er en 6 minutter lang black/death partylåt med intro og et lengre mer progga rolig pauseparti…

Video Premiere: ATROX – Mass

Eternal Terror kan i dag by på en helt ny låt og video fra "Monocle", det etterlengtede nye albumet til det trønderske schizometal bandet ATROX. Videoen er med låta "Mass" og albumet slippes av Karisma Records 8. september i år.

DIMENSION F3H – A Wake of Vultures

The experimental Norwegian entity that is Dimension F3H, which is spearheaded by Morfeus (vocals, guitars, keyboards, and electronic mind-manipulation), has always been an intriguing and captivating musical force to me. Ever since the debut album, the 2003 effort entitled "Reaping the World Winds", was unleashed upon the unsuspecting masses, the band has evolved into an ever-unpredictable and innovative thing with a sound and an identity of its own. The mixture and blending of different genres such as black metal, industrial, electronic music, thrash metal, and so on is simply mind-blowingly awesome. The latest album, "This Mechanical World", stands tall and proud as the band’s most cohesive, coherent, and all-around compelling output to date. Eternal Terror Live had to have a chat with the warped mind behind it all, i.e. Mr. Morfeus. Read on, fuckbags.

MYSTIC PROPHECY – Never-Ending (re-release)

The third studio album from Mystic Prophecy would be the last one to feature Gus G on guitar – as he would decide to pare down his band activities to focus more on Firewind. "Never Ending" showcases the German/Greek unit in fine form, displaying a carefully crafted mix of heavy/power metal with occasional thrash flashes.…

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