GRUESOME – Savage Land
- by Jorgen Garmann
- Posted on 07-05-2015
Relapse Records
5.5 / 6
Sorry, what did you say?
Is there a band called Gruesome, what kind of metal are they?
Death worship at the altar of Chuck.
Is it that good?
Yes, without any doubt.
The new death metal act Gruesome is out with their debut full-length "Savage Land" and what a surprise this was. Pure old-school Death (yes, the band) worship done the correct way.
This is so good that I dont know what to say. The vocal, the sound, the riffing. It all could be taken right out of the "Leprosy" rehersals.
Do you recommend "Savage Land"?
Do you enjoy old Death (yes, the band)?
Then run and get you´re self some Gruesome.