INFERNO 2015 – Thursday – Part One – John Dee & Rockefeller
- by Jorgen Garmann
- Posted on 13-04-2015
This years Inferno saw a little less band on the line-up and that was a good thing. Earlier years it´s been kinda hectic to run up and down between Rockefeller and JohnDee to try to witness allready started gigs when you get there.
Sadly I missed the Execration gig.
First band out for me then was death metal act Inner Sanctum from India They have only released one EP up until now but their set was energic and well played. Their music was kinda straight forward and even when not knowing their material upfront the 40 minutes show was ok and their name duly noted.
Next semi interestning band on Rockefeller was symphonic death metal act SepticFlesh from Athens. Not being the biggest fan of symphonic metal in´whole their gig was quite pleasing. Their earlier material from the 90´s (then as Septic Flesh, not SepticFlesh) is quite good but their newer material is to bombastic and overdone for me to enjoy but the majority of the crowd seemed to like it. The venue was overly packed and there was no doubt that SepticFlesh has a major fan base in Norway.
SEPTICFLESH live @ Inferno Festival 2015
(Photo: Stig Pallesen)
Thursdays biggest happening was without doubt thrash metal act Antichrist from Sweden. Their debut from 2011 "Forbidden World" is just a formidable piece of old school thrash so JohnDee was quite packed when they entered the stage.
Their set was just full out, pedal to the metal fantastic.
I only witnessed only the first 30 minutes before we had to run over to Kulturhuset to get the last 30 of Norwegian avant-garde act Virus.
Virus is currently recording a new album and we got served a couple of new tracks from the album and it sounds very promising. The trio kept it interesting and enjoyable the last 30 minutes I witnessed. The sound at the small venue was good and the 100 people that was present was treated with a very good performance with material from all of their three albums.
Kudos to Inferno for booking such an diverse line-up for this Thursday.