INFERNO 2015 – Friday – Part One – John Dee & Rockefeller
- by Jorgen Garmann
- Posted on 14-04-2015
Inferno Friday had an interesting and very diverse lineup and first band out I was looking forward to witness was US black thrashers Goatwhore.
Being a Metal Blade band you´ll know what you get, extremely well produced metal performed by extremely skilled musicians. Goatwhore deliverd on all account and it was strange that they play as early as 1815 considering (in my opinion) their veeeery ok back catalog compared to later acts on the bill.
Crescent is a death metal act from Egypt that surprised both me and the quite full John Dee with their intensity and hook-laden metal. They handled their instruments well but sadly the sound was not all that, it was difficult to hear the bass (or the bass was too loud) and that ruined some of the moments for me. Crescent delivered a nice package and I will for sure keep an eye on them in the future.
Skeletonwitch is not my cup of tea (or mug of beer). Their formula consisting of a hybrid of death/thrash have never done much for me when giving them a try earlier and even though their set was tight and sound was good at RF it did nothing to change my mind about Skeletonwitch. But the arena was well visited and there were a couple of pits going around in the front so they sure had their following present.
Finnish black metal inferno Sargeist was next act up to witness but the John Dee scene was full so we did not get access. Too bad really.
MY DYING BRIDE live @ Inferno Festival 2015
(Photo: Stig Pallesen)
My Dying Bride was the main attraction for me personally this Inferno Friday and hell yeah did they deliver on all accounts. With a massive back catalogue to pick from, they churned out one fabulous song after another spread from (almost) their entire catalogue. The sound was great and vocalist Aaron really seemed to enjoy himself.
The show was just astonishing and my love for MDB was renewed this evening.
When they finished with God Is Alone, the evening was complete, MDB made my day.