INFERNO 2013 – Lørdag (2) – Rockefeller & John Dee
- by Jorgen Garmann
- Posted on 04-06-2013
Hades Almighty (from 1998, earlier they went under Hades only) hail from Bergen and their progressive form of black metal folds well in with the rest of the last day of Inferno 2013. With headliner Satyricon finishing of the evening later , it looked like the majority stayed late at the pub instead of showing up to Hades Almighty´s performance. The trio did their best to show the audience what their progressive black metal is all about but the respons was not there.
It got better after a couple of songs and the sound engineer also made some adjustment along the way to make the vocal become more preminent in the overall picture and that helped a lot. Hades Almighty delivered a fairly good set with a good variaty of material from their back catalogue. We where set for a long night and their set make a good start of the evening for sure.
After the Hades set everyone present rushed down to the bar below John Dee to vitnes another norwegiean black metal outfit named Kråke. This band was unknown for both me and my company so we did not know what to excpect when we entered the venue.
John Dee filled up fast as Kråke went all over the place with their more symphonic form of black metal. Personally I was kinda sceptic but after a couple of songs they got more appealing. With sole release "Conquering Death" under their belt they sure showed both intensity and well craftmanship in handling their instruments. Well played and enjoayble to a suprsing degree.

(Photo: Robin Syversen)
After Kråke finished their shorts et at John Dee everyone rushed back up to vitnes Solefald enter the stage at Rockefeller. Their form for avant-garde black metal does not appeal to me so I have not heard much of Solefalds material. The duo had ensambled quite a line-up for this live performance and from an observers perspective they made for sure quite an impression on the audience. Their groove made a lot of metal heads nod their head with joy so I guess they hit the spot with their setlist for the evening.
Diskord, the mighty trio from Oslo who delivers dirty and raw death metal ala Autopsy was up next. They are a lot more technical than Autopsy but the resambelence is there. They came out of the gate swinging and raised the roof with dark extreme metal. Their main vocalist is the man behind the drum kit and unfortually did this add up to that it was kinda hard to hear him sing. The sound was all over the place especially the bassist having his instrument heard at max. Diskord´s music is based around the base but it would be nice to hear the vocal better. Diskord is out with their second full-length now just receantly and can not be praised enough.

(Photo: Stig Pallesen)
Satyricon was next on the list but unfortually their time was pushed back almost 20 minutes so I had to cut their set short but what an entrance! I have vitnessed Satyricon countless times before and Sigurd & Company never fails to deliver the goods. Promising to play material from all their releases including some yet to be released new material the crowd response was massive. The sound was perfect and all men on deck looked ready to go at max only to confirm that Satyricon is one of Norways leading metal acts.
To summerize: this saturday was an perfect ending to a another well organized Inferno metal festival. See you next year.