MAVETH – Coils of the Black Earth
- by Jorgen Garmann
- Posted on 30-05-2013
Finnish foursome Maveth does not hold anything back on their full-length debut "Coils of the Black Earth". Evil death metal with a primitive setting just makes the album a fabolus listening for the seasoned death metal fanatic. The music is well played with just enough finesse to not sound either to simple or to "new school" technical.
The arrangements works out very good with the production and even though it´s kinda murky all instruments are well present in the mix. The guitar is quite prominent and the sharp sound does sometimes take up to much of the overall wall of sound that hits you right in the nut sack from the getgo. The songs have a tendensy to just flow along and I had to hear the album through a couple of times to identify them properly and distinguish them from each other.
The vocal fits well, not ultra low but kinda Incantaion sweet and the good thing is that it does not get eiter annoying or boring during the 10 tracks of gruesome unholyness that "Coils of the Black Earth" delivers. Best track without doubt, Hymn to Azael.
Looking forward to the allways hard follow-up and if these guys ever visit Oslo, cont me in.