RICHARD HOAK (Brutal Truth) – Total fucking crazy
- by Rune
- Posted on 14-03-2009
En trommeslager man ikke kan la være å bli imponert over, er duden i Brutal Truth. Michael Hoak heter han og er en skikkelig villmann. Spiller normalt på et minimalt trommesett og bryr seg veldig lite over hva han spiller på. Er som nevnt trommeslager i Brutal Truth, men trakterer også trommene i Total Fucking Destruction. Nedenfor kan du lese hans bidrag til vår Blast Beast Series.

When did you start to play the drums?
I play drums since 1987.
Why did you start playing drums?
Throughout high school I played saxophones, tubas and bass guitar in jazz, concert and marching bands. After high school, I played in punk and hardcore bands as a bassist and vocalist for a while. I was watching a friend's band rehearse one day when it suddenly clicked for me how to play drums and after that I started playing around on different drum sets at different jam rooms until someone asked me to play some songs with them. Playing drums blew my mind and soon I abandoned all other instruments to become a full time drummer.
How old were you when you got your first drums/drum set?
I got my first drumset in 1988, blue sparkle premier 4 piece, still got it.
How often do you practice?
Depends on how filled my schedule is with live gigs; usually 2 to 3 times a week by myself plus 2 to 3 times a week with various bands.

Which drummer did you look up to when you were young and is there anyone today that you admire more than the rest?
It all starts and ends with Buddy Rich for me! Buddy Rich is the world's greatest drummer ever, period. Gene Krupa, Keith Moon, Buddy Miles, Neil Peart and Dave Lombardo are a few of the drummers that have inspired me and not just because they are amazing players and
have a unique style all of their own. They are drummers who really live through their music, putting their life, heart and soul into playing the drums. For me, that's what it is all about.
What kind of equipment do you use? Which equipment is in your ears the best?
Regarding gear, I've always taken to heart what Buddy Rich used to say: "It's the drummer, not the drums!" In Brutal Truth I play a standard 4 piece drum set; in Total Fucking Destruction I use only a snare drum, a kick drum, hi-hats, a ride cymbal and one crash cymbal. In either band I am usually travelling to play, so the set is rented or borrowed. However, I always travel with my Trick Pro 1-V double kick drum pedals. Otherwise, I don't care what the make, model or quality of drums provided, as long as you don't mind if I smash them up a bit!

Which qualities do you think is most important to succeed as a drummer today?
The most important quality is "TO KICK ASS!"
Have you ever played a solo during a gig?
Everything I play is a drum solo dude!!! Or did you say drug solo?
If you haven't become a drummer, what would you most likely been doing?
Do you workout a lot?
I practice bikram yoga 2 to 3 times a week when I am not on tour. www.bikramyoga.com
Do you have any special rituals you have to go through before you enter the stage?
I smoke killer weed, drink a beer; warm up with some yoga postures.
Which releases have you been a part of so far? (Band name, title, release year)
Fuck I don't know: there's tons of info at these sites for the bands I play in, or all that info is out there in googlespace:
a short but interesting message from God:
Before we end this, you now have the opportunity to challenge another drummer to take part in this series. Pick a drummer and explain why?
Tim from Spoonful of Vicodin, because he KICKS ASS!!!