UPRISE – Up-Fucking-Rise
- by Vidar
- Posted on 29-07-2007
Tsjekkiske UPRISE spiller grindcore av den kjappere varianten og siden bandets selvtitulerte debutalbum er ute og anmeldt her i Eternal Terror, ble det til at vi også sendte noen spørsmål ned til den tsjekkiske republikken.
ET – First of all I'd like to congratulate you with your latest album, "Uprise". I'm sure you're satisfied with it as well?
UPRISE – If I'm thinking about that and about conditions we had for recording we are satisfied. But honestly sound could be much better, in the other hand nobody believe that price of our first recording was 120 Euro. You can some hear samples on http://myspace.com/uprisecz
ET – How has the feedback from the press been thus far?
UPRISE – I think that we have mainly positive opinions on this recording.
ET – How much time did you spend in the studio recording the album?
UPRISE – Everything was recorded, mixed and mastered in two days. Basic idea was to make a promo for fans and labels. That we found a label with this recording, is something we can be satisfied with I think.

ET – Who writes the music and the lyrics in the band?
UPRISE – Music is partly mine and partly our guitarist, and lyrical part of Uprise is work of our manager Strap.
Strap – Our lyrics are something like comments to things you can see in the society. Lyrics have no moralistic or political message for fans. Just what do you think about this crap? Something like that.
ET – Please tell our readers a little bit about the band and about yourselves. In your own words, how would you characterize the type of music that you play, and has it changed or evolved over time?
UPRISE – From first jamming in the vein of goregrind we turned music more to the classical way of grindcore like old Napalm Death, Terrorizer of Brutal Truth with influences of old school death metal that is the way of Uprise. What is important for our music is dark and disgusting atmosphere of music. It will not be changed. What is more? SPEED, SPEED, SPEED.
ET – Have you planned to play live or perhaps tour any time soon?
UPRISE – We had a small EU tour with Swedish hyper butchers Gadget. We are playing around two gigs in month here in the Czech Republic; hope that all of these things will be much better after our debut CD. If you want to play here you can get in touch with us on President.x.d@seznam.cz
ET – How is the metal scene in the Czech Republic these days?
UPRISE – Horrible!!! You can find a few bands here that have sense but they will be forgotten very soon. In the other hands we have a lot of great fans and many great shows. I would like to mention festivals like Obscene Extreme and Brutal Assault.
ET – Your house burns, Which 5 albums would you rescue?
UPRISE – All of them. I do not play games like this. I have all my CD's hidden in a box and waiting for a fire. If it will come, I will just take them and make my disappearing act…..SLAYER
ET – Last question: Why should anybody buy your album?
UPRISE – Anyone who is tuned on the same string as we are. Otherwise there is no sense to buy or listen to Uprise.
ET – That's about it. Thx for the interview and good luck to you in the future.
UPRISE – Thanks for the support. UP-FUCKIN-RISE!!!!