SAINT VITUS – Die Healing
- by Jorgen Garmann
- Posted on 10-08-2013
Saint Vitus for me is the period where Wino did the vocals, especially "Born Too Late" witch is my favorite SV album among them all.
Original vocalist Scott Reagers is a close runner up and on this re-release originally from 1995 he´s is back in the fold and doing his (maybe) best performance under the Saint Vitus banner.
"Die Healing" is a "modern" doom album in the sense that if flows remarkably fast between the vocal parts and the production is better than Saint Vitus fans are used to.
The material on "Die Healing" is nothting revolutionary but the album gets better after a couple of listens. The riffing is as we know them but the memoriable hooks that Saint Vitus fans have been spoiled with are there not that many of unfortunally.
This is without a doubt pure doom the way it should be played, it just dont reach the level of greatnes of both earlier or later material.
I think Season of Mist have done a great job to make this album available again but if you´re unknown to Saint Vitus and their catalogue start with the mentioned "Born Too Late" or the other Saint Vitus re-release done by Season Of Mist this summer C.O.D.