STRENGTH APPROACH – With or Without You

STRENGTH APPROACH – With or Without You

Coming at you like a dog out of hell’s gate, the opening track for Strength Approach’s “With or Without You” sets the tone for what is too come: eleven tracks of gut bursting, neck twisting hardcore, worthy of a spot on even the most trend obsessed metal head’s playlist. With a musical landscape reminiscent of Sick of it All, the Italian quartet delivers quality hardcore that makes the listener drift off to sweet, sweet memories of getting thrashed in a mosh-pit in a tiny venue somewhere.

Sadly at first listen the album comes off as a one trick pony. After a few repeat listens however, the album achieves a rather unique accomplishment in not having any distinctly weak tracks. Several live in comfortable mediocrity while the rest, like “Stand Your Ground”, “Do or Die”, the title track “With or Without You” as well as “In The Belly of the Beast” come off as highlights for the 24 minute exploration in modern hardcore.