RONNIE ROMERO – Too Many Lies, Too Many Masters

RONNIE ROMERO – Too Many Lies, Too Many Masters


Ever since becoming acquainted with the insanely talented singer Ronnie Romero thanks to a certain Ritchie Blackmore and his re-forming of the great Rainbow back in 2016, I have done my utmost to follow Romero’s career and work. His discography appears rather vast these days as he’s been working with everyone from Lords of Black and Vandenberg to Michael Schenker and Sunstorm not to mentioned that he releases music under his own moniker.

His latest solo effort is a proper heavy metal record with hard rock flourishes, and the affair is packed to the rafters with punchy hooks and vocal pyrotechnics. There is variety to be found here too, and there are ideas and melodies here that would not have felt out of place on Holy Diver and Dream Evil by DIO, but the album does not wallow in nostalgia despite its obvious nods and references to the 80s. The lyrics do leave something to be desired in places, but musically it delivers and manages to hit the sweet spot between melodrama and aggression. It also goes without saying that Romero’s voice is sparkling and utterly remarkable throughout, but one of the most enjoyable aspects of listening to these ten compositions is that it feels as if they were conceived and performed by band as opposed to being merely a studio project.  

The band members provide Romero with everything that his potent voice deserves, and Too Many Lies, Too Many Masters is a concise collision of great musicianship, catchy songs, and passion.  

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