ELDER (US) til Bergen (21/4)
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 18-04-2016
Torsdag 21. april 2016
(Dørene åpner kl 21:00)
C.C. NOK 200,-
18 år leg plikt
"Like Sleep or Earthless — two bands who provide similar thrills using similar tools — Elder are a trio, and each member is a fucking giant. (…) Odyssean epics filled with aching melodies, monumental riffs, and dazzling (truly fucking dazzling) guitar leads — but they’ve brought all those elements into such sharp focus that their collective impact is heightened tenfold. Lore isn’t hazy or monolithic; it’s crystal clear, impeccably crafted, and not just impressive but thrilling." – Stereogum
Conceived in Pittsburgh in early 2010, CAROUSEL’s music incorporates many elements, most notably the harmonized guitar lines of Thin Lizzy, the bombast of Mountain, and the rhythmic propulsion of Diamond Head and Motorhead. CAROUSEL’s steady grasp of late ’70s / early ’80s heavy metal riff-rock blends their timeless hooks, their immensely powerful solos into twin leads and pure classic metal glory. With Wheeler’s gruff and melodic vocals, and drums that bash the sides of your head in into one fiery cauldron, CAROUSEL will leave you not caring you were just beat up!
Since the 2012 self-release of the “Tears of Stone 12", CAROUSEL has released two full length albums on Tee Pee Records: 2013’s Jeweler’s Daughter and their most recent effort 2113.
Mondo Drag
"Cosmonauts were the headliners on Friday night, but I left the Brick & Mortar Music Hall most impressed by Oakland’s Mondo Drag, a five-piece band that delivered a heavy set of doom-laced psych jams. The group just released a new self-titled album in January, and its songwriting demonstrated a commendable restraint, allowing long instrumental passages to breathe and build. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy John Gamino’s vocals — I did, quite a bit — but the winding grooves led by his Hammond organ were entrancing. Seeing the band behind colorful visual projections lent a soundtrack quality to the instrumentals, and I bet Mondo Drag would do a great job playing a live score to accompany a film." – The Bay Bridged / Noise Pop