KILLFACE – Short but sweet
- by Rune Grande
- Posted on 13-06-2014
KILLFACE is an Irish death/thrash outfit which recently released their debutalbum entitled "Feeding the Dead". Eternal Terrors Rune Grande talked to vocalist Derek Brady about the album, some band history and a little bit about the Irish metal scene.
Where, when, why and with who did Killface begin?
Salutations! We formed Killface in Dublin around summer time 2008 through the ashes of our former bands and with the urge to write heavier music. Our old bands used to gig together around Ireland all the time back then so we knew each other very well. There was good chemistry between us. We liked the same music, loved the same movies, we had the same sense of humor but most of all we had the passion and still do, to write, play and record as many song’s, shows and albums possible.
Myself (Derek), Zammo and former drummer Drummo started the band and initially set out to play a style leaning more towards heavier old-school hardcore but after a few jams and the addition of 2nd guitarist Jono Crinnon, we had swayed a different direction altogether, mixing different styles and seeing what happens, that was the start of it really. It wasn’t till the end of 08 when Dee joined on bass that we had a full line sorted. We spent the guts of 09 writing and getting tight until we played our first show in August of the same year and have gone on from there to now.
Inspirations and influences
We listen to anything from the blues to funk, thrash and death metal, hardcore punk, sludge, grindcore or whatever else sounds cool, brutal, harsh or intense. When writing we try to be as original as possible but with any band influence’s tend to peer their heads into songs from time to time. I wouldn’t say our music is an exact reflection of what we listen to though at times you will hear snippets.

Five years on the debut. Why so long time?
Where to start haha! The album should have been out two and a half years ago but with a drastic line-up change during recording leaving three of us covering the extra costs among a few other things that couldn’t be avoided, a delay was inevitable. Thankfully we have a solid line up now, everyone knows what the goal is, everyone is hungry and we plan to make up for that lost time. It won’t be that long again.
What can you tell us about your debut album?
When talking started about putting an album together the feeling was that every track should be straight up and in your face, each with its own groove and subtlety’s. We weren’t too into making it overly complicated or mad technical, there’s no surprises or epic intro’s, just full on viciousness layered with massive riffs and crushing tempo changes while keeping a constant groove throughout with themes focusing on morality, social disorder, horror movies and a couple of clichés. It’s an intense listen though I think the next one will be a far more serious in terms of subject and style.
You also released an EP four years ago. How would you say the music on that one is compared to "Feeding the Dead?
If anything I’d say the songs on the EP have more of a standard structure compared to the album. With the album we wanted to write songs that shied away from the usual verse, pre chorus, chorus lark and be a bit more frantic, unpredictable and write songs that were more challenging to play. Saying that though sometimes easy is heavier! Take our track ‘Miserable’ off the EP, It’s probably the easiest and least demanding song to play out of any song we’ve ever written and it’s still one of our heaviest and favorite’s.
In technical terms the album is a step up from the EP no doubt, though parting with Jono and Drummo while recording wasn’t an ideal scenario and didn’t help the final product. It could of and should of been 20 times better but sure you live and learn and just remember next time round.
You replaced two of the original members last year. What did that do to the band (positive and if any negative)?
We knew everything that was happening at the time was best for the band we just didn’t realise how hard it would be. Jono and Drummo were in the band from the start so it was always going to be tough. We were all friends and had been hanging out and writing songs together for a long time even before Killface, but saying that, things needed to change. When Daryl came in on guitar he instantly started writing riffs and mixing it up, which was great.
He filled in for Jono when we opened for Atheist a couple of years ago, we knew him well and got on great, he knew our songs, we knew his style and character. He’s a great lad our Daryl. He added elements to our music I think we we’re missing.
Trying to find the right drummer was the toughest task of all. There are tons of drummers in Ireland and people kept saying just get anybody in, get anybody, don’t stand still but we didn’t want just anybody because we didn’t want someone who could just barely play the song’s. We wanted someone who had the same passion as us and could dominate any song or style.
We played loads of shows with Stephens band Xenocide. Anyone that knows the man knows just how good he is behind a kit. He’s an out and out beast with them shticks. We never really thought he’d be into joining up with us being in another band an all, until he filled in on drums for us when we opened for Aeon in Dublin back in January 13. It wasn’t until August that year though that he joined the band. As soon as we started writing we knew that we made the right decision, even if it did take over a year and a half to sort out, our patience and stubbornness has been well and truly rewarded.

I am not too welled informed about the Irish metal scene. Only bands I can namedrop are Primordial and Warpath. Are there any other bands worth checking out?
There are lots of great bands worth checking out about the isle. Coldwar for one are legends! They’re the first Irish band I ever seen play and one of my favorites. They’ve recently signed to Candlelight Records along with Abaddon Incarnate who are also a great band. The Belfast boy’s Overoth are unreal and never fail live. They’re a machine! There’s loads more like, Xenoicide, Aesect, Atheos, Dichotomy, Psykosis, Legion of Wolves, Venus Sleeps, Syphor, Zhora, Twisted Mass, Two Tales of Woe, Fuckhammer (Best name ever!), Okus, Dead label, Vile Regression, I could go on all night.
How is the extreme metal scene on your green island?
Most shows tend to be a mixture of genres now I find. It has its strengths and weaknesses. The metal scene in general is healthy and very impressive. There’s a hoarde of young thrashers raring to play gigs and mosh out like lunatics. It’s great to see. The more extreme bands are a bit older and tend to book shows outside the country on tours and festivals and what not. It’s a no brainer to be honest. Ireland is small, you have a handful of place’s around the country that you can play, people can get fed up going out to see you play very easily so to leave is the only option if you want to progress. There are a few bands like Primordial, Warpath, Coldwar, Gama Bomb or even Darkest Era all doing well outside the country which is brilliant! It draws attention to our scene. It’s up to the rest of us to try push forward with it for the better of our scene if anything.
Is there anything else worth mentioning from the Killface camp?
Well as I mentioned, we’re writing for our next album at the moment and with a bit of luck we’ll be going into the studio in the next few months. The songs are nearly written, we just have to clean things up a little and add a little more. When it’s released we’re going to head over to the UK and mainland as much as possible to promote it so if there are any promoters around Europe reading this that need a band for a bill then please hit us up. We want to play at your show! Hint hint haha. You can find us on facebook, that is, if we don’t find you first Watch this space and hopefully we’ll see you soon! Cheers