BABAYABA – Helt enkelt superb
- by Sigve
- Posted on 02-12-2009
BBYB: "If you won't take it seriously you must play it backwards."
Jeg tror denne kommentaren får stå for seg selv som intro til dette helt superbe intervjuet…

Please tell us about the band members and what they do in the band.
KN66Y6 is that guy, who is the ugliest in band and that's why he started wearing the "red mask" and started the band. Also he also does that shitty growling, squealing which we all hate. And he is the person behind all the artwork and stage stuff too.
KcD … our electro pop hitmaker and awful perfectionist. He also plays as a DJ at free tekk parties.
Sh-St is the only metalhead in band, playing that horrible "metal" guitar and in every break he plays Slayer or some strange unlistenable "solos".
BbTk is our shamanic guy, doing these tribal sounds of didgeridoo and other weird instruments. Just started with backing vox now, so we will see.
Could you please give us a brief outline of the history of the band?
It started sometime in nineties as a black grind metal band by kids from the same school. Then people came and left and so on. The first gigs with electro beats were somewhere between improvisation and chaotic performance. Friends were singing whenever they wanted, there was some destroyed equipment and so on. After a few years of this, we finally found the current line-up and also the music crystalized into a mix of electro -metal -grind – whatever ..
The name of the band… tell us about it, how/why did you choose this name?
KN66Y6 read an article in some definitely serious "newspapers" about some Indian meth … and a lot of years before his grandma read Russian fairy-tales to him. So, that's it
The creative process of making the music… tell us a bit about how you create new music?
We don't create music … we are happy that we barely know how to play. This process of creativity ..uff .. we have a few friends at music arts college, so we pay them for that .. we really love this pop mainstream culture
Where do you draw your influences from, musically and non-musically?
Standard cliche like after-drunk-party-night mornings, state of mind in a different physical state, our life … yop, and we are big fans of old splatter horror films, old weirdo "art" films, 80's HC German porn industry and our great Czech pop musicians.
What if any is the key element(s) in your lyrics?
For KN66Y6‘s part, the key is probably psychedelic outer-space experiences. Sh-St‘s lyrics are based on his vision and inner-self fantasies. Also one of our lyrics includes poems by Vilém Závada, a poet from Ostrava. And several lyrics were written by our friends, so you can ask them

Could you describe with your own words the album " deBBYBut"?
An unsuccessful soundtrack to a B-rated futuristic porn film with biomechanoidz and robots. And if you won't take it seriously you must play it backwards.
What is your goal with BBYB? World domination or local superstardom?
We want to play with Iron Maiden … we want them as our support band and BBYB as headliner.
Could you please tell us a bit about the local and the national metal scene where you live?
We are from Ostrava, and our scene is known mostly for grindcore acts like Cerebral Turbulency, Malignant Tumour, Pathologist, Carnal Diafragma and so on. In the national measure it's the same as in any other country … shit "cover bands" are at the top and progressive or different bands are somewhere at the bottom. We have a few bands which are really great and deserve the interest of the world, but in Europe it is hard to expand from country to country …

What do you know about the Norwegian metal scene apart from the history of the Black Metal scene here?
Heh, you mean those killing-suicide fancypants with really sweet gig riders? Just joking … you know we hear and see only that bullshit in media, so it's hard to say. But for me (Sh-St) the great bands are Red Harvest and Ulver, it's an example that even in a country which is mostly known for black metal you can also have interesting bands. Btw you can send us some recommendations
Finally… what is your choice of game entertainment? Board games or consoles?
We don‘t play games any more … because the best games were on Atari, Commodore, Didaktik in the 80's and 90's… games like Montezuma, Spy vs. Spy, Contra, S.W.A.T, etc.