VULTURE INDUSTRIES ferdig med skive
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 10-06-2007
Norwegian Industrial Metallers VULTURE INDUSTRIES have finished work on their new album "The Dysotpia Journals" – produced by Bjornar Nilsen, who is also the band's vocalist and keyboards/programmer. Originally formed in 1998, the band later underwent a down period, until eventually recruiting Nilsen, whose distinctive vocals, together with the addition of programming and the use of old-fashioned synths, gave the band a new, more complex, edge. Aside from Nilsen, the band comprises: Øyvind Madsen (Sulphur) – Guitars, Tor Helge Gjengedal (Malice in Wonderland) – Drums, Kyrre Teigen – Bass, Eivind Huse (Sulphur) – Guitars.
Bergen based Nilsen, owner of the Conclave Media Studios (together with Herbrand Larsen and Arve Isdal of ENSLAVED), has had a particularly busy year to date. He has just finished producing the latest albums from SWORN and BOURBON FLAME, a band that includes members of ENSLAVED, HADES ALMIGHTY, SULPHUR and ex-AETERNUS; as well as producing a demo for FUNERAPOLIS, and some mixing work for ICON EIGHT.
He is due to enter the studios shortly to commence production on the new album from DEAD TO THIS WORLD, the band formed and fronted by former IMMORTAL bass player Iscariah, as well as working on a new album for his own Black Metal band BLACK HOLE GENERATOR.
A track from VULTURE INDUSTRIES' "The Dysotpia Journals", as well as tracks from previous releases can be heard on the band's official MySpace page at www.myspace.com/vultureindustries.