- by J.N.
- Posted on 21-07-2022
BAND URL: https://www.facebook.com/slydersmithandtheoblivionkids
Now this was a nice surprise and something completely different to what one usually receives for review. Slyder Smith and the Oblivion Kids are about to release this fourteen-track effort of theirs in August and let me tell you right off the bat that we are dealing with a pretty fucking cool record. Somewhere between bluesy hard rock, Western music, punk rock, bluegrass, country rock, and perhaps even a subtle dose of glam rock, you will find this inspired ensemble. Yeah, I know how this sounds, but believe me when I tell you that these talented gentlemen make it work and that things possess a great flow here.
There are riffs on the disc that would not have been out of place on LPs by Ramones or New York Dolls but then some of the melodies and ideas would have worked quite well on a spaghetti western soundtrack too. Catchy riffs, tasty licks, memorable choruses, and plenty of groove might in fact be the most apt way of summing up what “Charm Offensive” holds for you, and there are sizable hooks and real feeling to be discovered here. The tunes are easy to absorb and range from being raunchy rockers (“Pleasure Victim”) to emotive pieces that reek of yearning (“Hope Without Warning”). A little more grit and raw nerve in a few places would have made it an even more powerful listening experience, but make no mistake, the album is a joy to the ears and never sounds tired or cliched. The open-minded listeners out there will hopefully find it eminently listenable. Standout tracks include “When the Rain Comes”, “Maya”, and the hazy “No More Mr. Bad Guy”.