The Portuguese masters of morose black metal released this mighty impressive slab of bleak music back in 2017, but for some reason none of us at Eternal Terror Live picked up on it back then, so consider this a short, retroactive review, if you will. In honesty though, the physical promo did not show up…

DEATHTALE – The Origin of Hate

Following a moody and somewhat mellow introductory track entitled "The Dark One", the Austrian horde that is Deathtale launch into their sharp and pummeling brand of death/thrash without any let-up in terms of energy or aggression for roughly 40 minutes. There are even a number of hard- and metal-core influences scattered throughout the disc too.…


Upon reading the name Deathcrush I expected devastating death metal, but this fairly unique Norwegian construct featuring Linn Nystadnes, Vidar Evensen and Pelle Bamle (with no revealed assigned instrumental duties) rather belong to mid-to-late 80s with the clear synth/pop of early Depeche Mode or Eurythmics, on one hand, and to the 90s industrial of Ministry…

OF FIRE – Dräparen

Crushing and rumbling death with metal with a huge amount of groove to it is what these ugly Swedish fuckers named Of Fire offer. To phrase that differently, big riffs and even bigger choruses that are bound to smash your face in and pounding drums that will inevitably break your bones are what you have…

Mork/Svart Lotus/Feigdarbod –

FEIGDARBOD: Man trenger ikke reise helt til Bergen eller Oslo for å finne nye og bra BM band, man trenger tydeligvis ikke dra lenger enn til Levanger. Feigdarbod er ikke ett band jeg vet mye om, og denne kvelden er mitt første møte med dem. De ga ut en EP kalt "Tomb of death" i…

COPENHELL festival 2019 –

Copenhell 2019 has the slogan ‘Celebrating 10 years in Hell’ as the cozy Danish festival marks its 10th anniversary. For me it is the first time, and even if I remember salivating at previous lineups and always being unable to attend due the collision with other festivals, for this I basically booked the tickets when…

CONCRETE FUNERAL – Ultimum Judicium

You get a concrete funeral when some very evil men put you feet first in a bowl full of liquid concrete, wait for it to dry and cast you in a lake or river, or, better yet – when they cast you whole alive into a concrete house foundation base and stir it up, smoothening…

GLASSING – Spotted Horse

Glassing is a physical attack using a glass or bottle as a weapon. It’s also a Texan post-hardcore/metal ensemble which can get as poppy as it can get black metal. On this, their 2nd full length, the trio of guitarist Cory Brim, vocalist/basist Dustin Coffman (try to say that fast and not think of "Rain…

THE NOCTAMBULANT – The Cold and Formless Deep

US horde The Noctambulant are about to unleash this rather fierce and punishing wall of ugly sound appropriately entitled "The Cold and Formless Deep", and if bands such as Naglfar and Necrophobic get your dick hard, this is most certainly a record that you do not want to pass up on. There is a melodic…

WHITEMOUR – The Devil Inherits the World

Words such as bombast and precision constantly come to mind whenever I listen to this enjoyable and varied slab of blackened death metal by Finnish combo Whitemour. Imagine a cross between Behemoth, Morbid Angel, and Ragnarok, but do not forget to add a touch of Chton and a dash of Melechesh to the venomous brew…

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