TUSMØRKE – Osloborgerlig Tusmørke – Vardøger og Utburder, Vol. 1
- by J.N.
- Posted on 20-11-2018
Tusmørke’s wildly diverse and fascinating musical universe is strange, eccentric, and above all original. As challenging and impenetrable as some of their parts and sections are, others are akin to ear worms and you cannot shake them no matter how hard you try. "Osloborgerlig Tusmørke…" is moody and introspective yet also entertaining and quite often humorous and ironic. So many interesting contrasts are in play here and yet somehow these Norwegian gentlemen manage to weave everything together so that it all sounds organic and flows together seamlessly from one passage to the next. What amazes me is that we are essentially talking about a compilation containing demos and outtakes and whatnot, but the thing is that is sounds so incredibly cohesive and coherent. I think the reason this record appeals to me more than the others is the fact that the musical puzzles have a slightly more melancholy and folk-like quality to them. In other words, Tusmørke have rarely sounded as moving and heartfelt as they do here. Everything simply resonates more with me on a personal level compared to earlier releases. Do not get me wrong, I love "Bydyra" and "Fjernsyn i Farger" too, but "…Vol. 1" leaves very little to be desired and it is one of those discs than I can keep listening to over and over again. Highlights include "Hovedøya", "Gamle Oslo", "Gamle Aker Kjerke", and "Kjentmannen" due to their infectious melodies and superb vocals.
Bolstered by a warm and slightly fuzzy production and toppled with awesome lyrics, "Osloborgerlig Tusmørke – Vardøger og Utburder, Vol. 1" is a must-have and easily one of my favorite Norwegian prog rock releases to date.