Full album stream: DRUDKH & GRIFT split

Full album stream: DRUDKH & GRIFT split


Proudly presents the full album stream of



"Betrayed by the Sun" & "Hägringar"



Release date: September 16, 2016
Nordvis & Season of Mist



Gatefold LP in various colors



Pre-order the album here:





DRUDKH are continuing their planned series of split-EPs with the acclaimed Swedish underground one-man project GRIFT.
After drawing lyrical inspiration from the poetry of Soviet murdered Ukrainian writer Volodymyr Svidzins’kyi (1885-1941) on the previous split-EP with HADES ALMIGHTY ‘One Who Talks With The Fog / Pyre Era, Black!’, mastermind Roman Sayenko has
again decided to bring two national poets into the focus. The lyrics for "His Twenty-Fourth Spring" were penned by Bohdan-Ihor Antonych (1909-1937), who died at the early age of 28 years from an infection of the lungs. The family of Mike Johansen (1895-1937) was of partly Latvian decent and arrived in DRUDKH’s hometown Karkhiv at the end of the 19th century. His words were used in the song "Autumn in Sepia". Johansen also suffered a premature death; as he was brutally murdered by the Soviets in a Kiev (Ukrainian: Kyiv) prison under a fabricated accusation of conspiracy.

The two tracks "His Twenty-Fourth Spring" and "Autumn in Sepia" come in classic DRUDKH style, which mainly consists out of an atmospheric amalgamation of bleak rawness with epic melodies, but always has a richness of small details derived from any suitable musical genre.

With the latest full-length ‘A Furrow Cut Short’, DRUDKH had continued on the dark and bleak course charted with their previous release ‘Eternal Turn of the Wheel’ (2012). In an ever evolving metamorphosis, DRUDKH have regularly returned to their early legacy from the Nordic Black Metal inspired debut ‘Forgotten Legends’ (2003) as well as the cinematic soundscapes of ‘Autumn Aurora’ (2004) and the traditional influences of ‘The Swan Road’ (2005). On ‘Blood in Our Wells’ (2006) progressive elements surfaced, while after the instrumental and partly acoustic ‘Songs of Grief and Solitude’ (2006) a sharp contrast was created by the harshly black ‘Estrangement’ (2007). ‘Microcosmos’ (2009) seemed to tie up the different strands of DRUDKH’s previous releases, before embarking on a quest to more outlying progressive realms with ‘Handful of Stars’ (2010), which led Roman Sayenko to found OLD SILVER KEY, joined by ALCEST vocalist Neige. The band’s mastermind has often penned his own lyrics, but also continuously rediscovered forgotten poets of his home country. DRUDKH still refuse any kind of interview or promotion and demand to be understood through their music alone.



Spawned from the same source, but with different names.

Hembygdsangesten atervander – Grift returns! By now we should all know what that means. We where all mesmerized by Erik Gardefors latest album "Syner (2015)"which set a tone for what Grift really is and reflected it’s uniqueness. This new EP by multi-instrumentalist Gardefors, shaped and released in collaboration with Ukraine’s own Drudkh, continues where "Syner"  said farewell. Hagringar (Mirages) bids us on an even more down to earth experience where the en-devours of life back in the old days are rediscovered and uphold. A brilliant interpretation of a mans struggle to find his path in a primitive world.

Be sure to check out the short cinematic Grift teaser. Captured by photographer Stormvild and edited by Grift:


The collaborative release between Grift & Drudkh is presented in co-operation with the French label Season of Mist. Scheduled for release on September 16. The LP is embraced by a beautiful gate fold sleeve with cover artwork by the Finnish visual artist Magnus Enckell (1870-1925) and includes lyrics and liner notes. Available in multiple vinyl colours

A few words from Herr Gardefors about this release:

This time I have tried to develop Grift further towards a more tranquil expression, but still with an ominous sense of vulnerability and loneliness. Both songs were written during a rather dubious time for me, and I think that is quite clearly expressed in the lyrics. Sometimes we all fumble blindly and everything seems just like mirages that constantly stays out of reach. It felt completely natural for me to do a collaboration with Ukrainian Drudkh, because we are both very interested in our respective countries’ traditions, writing and literature, which in many ways has inspired us to create what we actually do.




1. DRUDKH – His Twenty-Fourth Spring
2. DRUDKH – Autumn in Sepia
3. GRIFT – Källan
4. GRIFT – Cirkeln







