SUICIDAL TENDENCIES – Suicidal for life – Roskilde 2013

SUICIDAL TENDENCIES – Suicidal for life – Roskilde 2013

Still psycho

One of the more anticipated metal concerts got off on the first day of Roskilde´s main days. Suicidal Tendencies, the legendary hardcore and crossover band from Venice kicked off their tour at the danish festival. None other than Norway´s main metalscribe and presenter, Asbjørn Slettemark was the minister of cermonies on the occasion and he started the concert with – Nothing can hold them down!! Well, gravity might. At least if you judge the pounds of extra flesh that Mike Muir has gained over the years.

Possessed to…

Gravity didn´t face them and neither did the pace of the music. It was a pure joy to see them preform and that they hit everyone in attendance. Suicidal Tendencies proves in one way that old greats can preform at a mixed festival and that everyone that can be bothered can groove to the music. Sure you might have liked to see D.R.I preform in a sweaty basement or you might like the roar of Sacred Reich’s Surf Nicaragua better than Suicidal’s records. The band’s mentioned has got both speed and groove, but they lack the funk element that Suicidal have and the funkier parts and songs probably brought it home for the viewers that don´t know them that well and they probably will be sporting Suicidal Tendencies apparel quite soon, if not right now as we speak.

(Photo: Jacob Dinesen)

Gangbanger minister on speed

Mike Muir is in his old form and runs around on stage like you might have seen him live or in a live clip. He has at times some pretty long speaking bits in between songs and you really have to concentrate on what he is saying, because he is a motormouth. I don´t know if the drugs did work in this case or if his ADHD kicked in. That being said, they played the classics like possessed to skate, Institutionalized, I saw your mommy and suicidal maniac. The crowd loved it, but they didn’t charm the audience to go more crazy than what is to be expected. I don’t like band’s that scream – CIRCLEPIT, – every to seconds and they didn’t. The concert they played catered to the old fans as well as new fans and they did deliver.

Join the army

Like I’ve stated earlier you saw both new and young festivalgoers and longtime fans at the Arena stage at their concert. Suicidal Tendencies showed that they still are a force to be reckoned with and that Mike and crew can hold it down, old fashioned style and not suffer a fatal heart attack. The band that in the eighties had a gang that followed them called The Suicidal Gang that caused mischief and was voted worst band in Flipside in 82 and next year best newcomer hasn’t lost it’s charm nor the edge. It was a non-stop thrash frenzy, but the crowd didn’t go into a frenzy.
I guess Slipknot has more appeal than them, but they’ve certainly got their eyes open for some older gents now. All I wanted was a pepsi.