- by Matt Coe
- Posted on 28-09-2012
Some days you need experimental music in your life. To open horizons, broaden perspective, even to feel alive and free- that’s the goal Poland’s Forgotten Souls set out with on this fourth album "Sirius 12". No one disputes the metal elements in the drum and guitar departments- but prepare yourself for dynamic industrial rhythms, swirling exotic chord progressions from time to time and a deep sense of the ethereal, avant-garde with the melodies and arrangements.
Fear Factory, Samael, Nevermore, VoiVod, and a sprinkling of Devin Townsend factor into songs like "The Flight", the left field weirdness of "Can’t Resist", and blackened meets electronic fusion fury "Willow Green". Olaf Rozanski display a chameleon-like approach with his multiple voice inflections- sometimes atmospheric and clear, at other times ballistic and caustic to match the mood of the song and instrumentation present. "Hope" has a progressive charge in the rhythms and percussion work, with the keyboards from Pawel Grobler providing that soothing surprise that I’m sure will make for excessive headphone listening.
There are many moments where Forgotten Souls should gain instant body motion with the choppy groove rhythms- "Nowhere Here" grabs you from the first Krysztof Wojcik down tuned riff part and then the wild atmospheric keyboards and echoes set you off on a buildup of intensity like a migraine you wish to shake off in the recesses of your brain. To me some of the best records are the ones that appear to be straightforward on the surface- and yet seamlessly add the dynamic nuances to make your eyes bug out or jaw drop in aural amazement. Forgotten Souls delivers those in spades- yet keeps the arrangements flowing at a comfortable 3-5 minute pace.
This should be in the wheelhouse of those who desire a different attack and philosophy when it comes to their metal bands.