KISSIN’ DYNAMITE – Money, Sex & Power
- by Matt Coe
- Posted on 08-07-2012
Welcome back to the sleaze driven, Sunset Strip 80’s hard rock scene with Germany’s Kissin’ Dynamite. The third full length from this five-piece makes you suspend all of your daily stress and fast paced work life into 10 songs embodying a live it loose and free manner. Expect large vocal harmonies, addictive guitar hooks, firm rhythmic sensibilities and a small sense of traditional metal amidst the love for bands like Skid Row, Motley Crue and Hardcore Superstar.
None of the songs go beyond the 4:35 mark. Even when the band go for more of a light hearted, humorous overtone in the acoustic, slow swing number “Six Feet Under”- it’s with a tongue in cheek, Edguy-like charm. The main riff and rhythm pattern for the first video “I Will Be King” crosses the lines of Gary Glitter’s “Rock And Roll Part 1” with more of a happier, Los Angeles hard rock atmosphere. Ande and Jim on six string axe duty balance out simpler chord sequences during the verses/ choruses with skilled solo abilities normally reserved for the best in power metal. Kissin’ Dynamite excel when the drums have this pumping, high energy 4/4 groove and the vocal harmonies flow effortlessly, such as the Motley Crue inspired “Sex Is War” that would be a good addition to the “Dr. Feelgood” album.
Kissin’ Dynamite isn’t going to revolutionize the music industry with their tried and true style. “Money, Sex & Power” lives for a bygone era in the hopes that enough people desire a few party experiences to continue even beyond their youthful, immature times. As such, Kissin’ Dynamite appeal as adequate masters to the sleazy hard rock ceremonies, and won’t lose much ground on their competition. Who knows… maybe the European brigade will resurrect a new generation in North America to the ways of good time hard rock?