ALGHAZANTH – Vinum Intus
- by Dethster4life
- Posted on 03-07-2011
”We invert the crucifix to skullfuck god with it” ("The Way Of The Scales")
Do you really? Never thought about it that way. I mean, even back when I was a Christian I always thought that crucifixes were nothing more than useless idols, but I guess there is a deeper meaning to Alghazanth’s lyrics than we all can reasonably surmise. Yeah, right. The lyrics are your normal “fuck god, praise satan” deal. So I will skip them altogether and focus on the music. And that is average.
I enjoyed the previous album “Wreath of Thevetat”, and based on that measure, I feel like these guys have actually regressed. Where there once captivating melodies and arrangements, now we have B-rate Emperor ("A Living Grave") sounds cut and pasted from the opening of the classic “Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk", Dimmu Borgir (all tracks), Opeth ("Only The Reflection Bleeds") worship with a little Agathodaimon ("Under The Arrow Star" and "For Thirteen Moons") from their awesome debut for a bad measure.
I won’t turn this off when I hear it, but I’m not likely to play it for any other reason save for the purpose of reviewing. The musical craft is tight, the sound is probably better and heavier than the last time, the lyrics and vocals suck and the songwriting is painfully average. Another average Black Metal band drowning in a sea of like sounding contemporaries. Check please.