SAMI LATVA – Mener Pearl er best for ham
- by Rune
- Posted on 21-02-2007
Sami Latva er en trommeslager som er kjent for å være litt av en villmann på trommene. Han er kjapp til tusen og er hardtslående som få og for tiden trakterer han trommene i både Rotten Sound og Deathbound. Sistnevnte band spilte i Oslo i januar og Rotten Sound vil mange av oss få muligheten til å se under årets Inferno Festival.
ET – When did you start to play the drums?
SAMI – It was in 1991.
ET – Why did you start playing drums?
SAMI – When I heard rock/metal bands like WASP and Kiss I got so interested about drumming that I had to get drums.
ET – How old were you when you got your first drums/drum set?
SAMI – I was 12 years old.
ET – How often do you practice?
SAMI – If it’s possible I practice 1-3 hours every day and I have band rehearsals 2-3 times a week.
ET – Which drummer did you look up to when you were young and is there anyone today that you admire more than the rest?
SAMI – When I was young I was really into Igor Cavalera´s and Dave Lombardo´s playing.
Nowdays there´s really much great drummers to admire like: Tomas Haake, Gene Hoglan, Dave Weckl and Virgil Donati.
ET – What kind of equipment do you use? Which equipment is in your ears the best?
SAMI – I use Pearl Masters Studio BRX bassdrum and toms + Virgil Donati signature 14 x 5 snare and Axis pedals. And I use a lot of different cymbals like Sabian, Zildjian, Paiste,Stagg and Wuhan. I´ve been playing with Pearl over year now and they have always been working fine for me both live and in the studio. So at least this is the best kit that I have been using.
ET – Which qualities do you think is most important to succeed as a drummer today?
SAMI – To make song groove it doesn’t matter if it´s rock beat or blast beat; playing with right style with different music styles and of course good technique and independence with hands and feets.
ET – Have you ever played a solo during a gig?
SAMI – No.
ET – If you haven’t become a drummer, what would you most likely been doing?
SAMI – I would have been a guitarist. I played guitar many years before I got my first drum kit.
ET – Do you workout a lot?
SAMI – No. Drumming is my workout, hehe!
ET – Do you have any special rituals you have to go through before you enter the stage?
SAMI – Just some stretching and warming up with practice pad.
ET – Which releases have you been a part of so far? (Band name, title, release year)
…AND OCEANS – Cypher – 2002
O – O.B.C-Split – 2005
DEATHBOUND – Doomsday Comfort – 2005
ROTTEN SOUND – Consume to Contaminate – 2006
DEATHBOUND – We Deserve much Worse – 2007
HAVOK UNIT – AND OCEANS – THE SIN:DECAY – 3-way split: Synæsthesia – The Requiem Reveries – 2007
ET – Before we end this, you now have the opportunity to challenge another drummer to take part in this series. Pick a drummer and explain why?
SAMI – Kai Hahto of Wintersun, because he is a fucking animal.
Hvis Kai Hahto er et føkkings dyr, da må Sami Latva være selve ondskapen selv, for etter å ha sett ham spille for Deathbound og hørt hva han er kapabel til på den siste Rotten Sound skiva, skulle det ikke være noen tvil om det. Pinnen er sendt videre til Kai og vi får bare håpe han har mer å si enn hva Sami hadde.