The lethal Swedish thrash/speed/heavy metal quartet known as Insane spat forth this ugly and intense brew of face-melting music a few months ago via Duplicate Records and I must say that I am impressed by what these fuckbags have come up with. Not only are their tunes memorable and catchy, but the musicianship is superb and the warm, organic production fits the song material perfectly. The whole thing sounds inspired and straight from the heart.

There is nothing original to what Insane offer here and it is impossible not to draw parallels to bands such as Sodom, Slayer, Destruction, and the likes, but the fact of the matter is that "Evil" just sounds and feels so right and goddamn honest that it hurts. It is impossible not to be carried away by it all. The nine fist-pumping songs that constitute the album are caustic and hard-hitting, but with wicked hooks, convincing vocals, and great riffs to them. This stuff ought to please any fan of thrash/speed metal out there!

In today’s market where we are constantly flooded with mediocre releases by so-called retro thrash acts, it feels damn good to actually receive and review a proper thrash metal record that looks to both the past and the future. If these guys keep writing sharp and focused tracks such as "Ritualistic Death" and "Obsessed by Vengeance" in the years to come, then I think we can all rest easy. Thanks to Insane I now sense hope, folks. Check these scumbags and their awesome album out now!