THANATOS – Global Purification
- by Jorgen Garmann
- Posted on 14-01-2015
Thanatos is consideres the first death metal act from Holland and their 1990 debut "Emerging from the Netherworlds" is considered a death metal classic today.
Their brand of death metal is straight forwared semi technical with more focus on brutality and atmosphere than finger trickery (and halleluja to that!).
Founder and frontman Stephan Gebedi (who also shreds in Hail of Bullets) posesses a quite cool vocal and the production on "Global Purification" does a great job to keep all the instruments in check and give the vocal it´s spot in the limelight.
"Global Purification" is Thanatos sixth full-length release and they keep the death metal flame burning warm and bright.
They may be pioneers but Thanatos have never gotten the cred they deserved but that will hopefully change now with Century Media backing them up.