ALITOR – Eternal Depression

ALITOR – Eternal Depression

‘Eternal Depression’ is the debut full-length from Serbian thrashers Alitor and a mighty first effort it is. In terms of sound it harks heady days of Bay Area thrash but it also has a slightly progressive feel. Sometimes the guitar lines remind me of later output from Death. This is a good thing. The fact that the band sometimes uses blastbeats as well as the traditional galloping skank beat with double bass works well too and the vocals, while not outstanding do absolutely nothing wrong. The songs are pretty cool too – chugging riffs filled with plenty of melody and choruses that hit the mark pretty much most of the time.
Ultimately, Alitor have done a pretty good job here and this will satisfy those in need of a thrash fix. While not perfect, it has some great moments and it presents a thrash act I will look out for in the future.