WARMASTER – The End of Humanity

WARMASTER – The End of Humanity

Imagine Six Feet Under went on tour with Bolt Thrower. Imagine they got so stoned on the bus that they passed out and then that they woke up with their clothes in disarray. Several weeks later, they find their breasts are sore and they feel nauseous in the mornings. Nine months later, the child is born. To everyone’s surprise it is Dutch and prefers to be called ‘Warmaster’…

"The End of Humanity" is the second full length from this death metal bastard. It takes the best of its mother’s ability at creating a driving DM groove, but from its father it gets its talent for ultra slow, atmospheric chugging and creating a riff that sticks in your head. The structures are, as you’d imagine, simple yet effective and the emphasis is on songs that drag you in and carry you along for 4 minutes or so before you are dropped. Then the whole cycle is repeated after a gap of about 2 or 3 seconds…

I am a massive fan of this band’s parents and have enjoyed output by other contemporary bands such as Funerus who have trodden a similar path. Hence the score below. If you aren’t as ardent a follower, you might reduce the score to 4.5 – still worth checking out but not essential. For me though, this is simple but enjoyable fare and I will be back for more…

