- by J.N.
- Posted on 05-08-2024
BAND URL: https://www.georgiathunderbolts.com/
US rockers The Georgia Thunderbolts have a wonderful knack for churning out crisp and candid tunes with an electrifying vibe to them, and this spright sophomore album of theirs is simply an essential listen. Not only does Rise Above It All show how resolutely great this band is but also how brilliantly they blend Southern rock, Americana, and hard blues. They are capable of bringing swashbuckling swagger to soulful compositions such as “Ain’t Got No Money,” “Little Jim,” and “Wait” while retaining their emotional undertow, and the lighter-waving chorus in “Whiskey Talkin’” is just to die for. Warm, vibrant, and impeccably produced, this accomplished record will move you, and you make sure you crank up the volume when listening to the gritty tracks titled “It Ain’t Easy,” “Stand Up,” and album closer “Pricetag” – three marvelous pieces that really turn up the temperature and bring the depth and textures of their material into pin-sharp focus. What a glorious and cohesive piece of work this one is. Watch as their well-deserved rise continues.