OVERHATE – interview

OVERHATE – interview

Overhate is one of the most known rock bands from Venezuela, has released their third record entitled “New Beginnings Are Met”, available on all main digital platforms. Their catchy thrash riffs make them for a pleasant musical experience for the lovers of the genre and below you have a quick interview in which we find out more about the band’s music, inspiration and future plans

Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:
We are Overhate a thrash metal band from Caracas, Venezuela, and our latest release is “New Beginnings are Met”, 10 tracks of melodic thrash death metal for your listening pleasure.

What’s the hardest part about being a band in this day and age?
I think that being in a band needs to much of yourself that the only thing you have to do is learn the tricks of this trade. Music is definitely something that we all need to enjoy, from making it, to distributing, to playing it, and that’s where all of the efforts you need to do take place. I think you definitely learn a lot from a lot of things just for being in a band.

When did you realise that your project had the potential to be much more than just a fun idea?
I guess that when we released our first record and started reaching out to everybody we could find, we just felt that that was it. Anyway, we don’t have a case of money, but we hope one day….

Tell us about your latest release, why should we check it out?
Our latest release is where we have consolidated our style music wise. It is very mature, catchy and heavy at the same time, beautiful heavy music for everyone it is, with very powerful lyrics.

How does a song typically come together for you?
It just happens. Right now we all use DAW’s and the great part of it is that you bring your idea to life without having to go to a jam room. Then all listen to the idea and start adding up, and that’s how it comes to life in a nutshell. Now the bad thing to working with me is that a song is ready when it is ready, so everything can happen in between!

How would you describe your sound to an unfamiliar reader?
Melodical Thrash / Death metal with touches of progressive should give an idea, hands down.

What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your band?
A great experience.

Where would you really like to tour that you haven’t done so yet, and why?
We’re working on our first Europe tour, we’ll see how that goes.

How would you say that the sound of your band has progressed over the years?
A lot, I think from the debut to our sophomore release there is a very notable growth, and then from our sophomore to our most recent you definitely how we ended crafting this sound.

I am completely satisfied by how it all came along.

How excited are you for 2022, and what can fans expect from you?
We’re working on a couple of things right now, but as for new music, you’ll get a lot from us in 2023!

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