KAASIN – Fired Up

Ever since Kaasin’s first digital single release titled "Runaway Train" back in 2019, I have been looking forward to their debut full-length offering and I am thrilled to report that this 9-song effort of theirs (11 if you include the bonus tracks) appropriately named "Fired Up" does not disappoint. Kicking things off with the fiery…

MASTODON – Hushed & Grim

These four Georgians are one of the reasons why I love music, I mean, not just heavy metal but music widely understood. I have very fond memories of hearing the opener of "Blood Mountain", "The Wolf Is Loose", with its opening chord the freshest thing in recent memory back in 2006. And Mastodon had been…


ENSLAVED/SHAMAN ELEPHANT  BYSCENEN 20/10 – 2021 TRONDHEIM Dette er undertegnedes første konsert etter gjenåpningen, så borte siden forrige gang er stolene, bordene og det obligatoriske spekematfatet og tilbake på plass er endelig publikum. Skjønt, helt fullt er det ikke i dag på en mørk og dyster høstdag midt i uka. Jeg ankommer Byscenen noen minutter…

KOSMODOME – Kosmodome

Is there anything better than being introduced to a new, exciting, and musically explorative outfit from the underground? Kosmodome is a most welcome addition to the inspired Norwegian prog rock (and to a certain extent the stoner rock) scene, and this crunchy-sounding debut offering of theirs consists of eight atmospheric and cleverly crafted songs that…

BARRY ADAMSON – Up Above the City, Down Beneath the Stars

Renowned artist Barry Adamson’s recently published autography is nothing short of a literary revelation. Many fine and hugely memorable memoirs and music-related books have seen the light of day this year, but the evocatively titled "Up Above the City, Down Beneath the Stars" undoubtedly sits at the very top of that list and is simply…


As I’m slowly if mercilessly approaching 50 I fondly recall the 80s and early 90s pop music. It seemed so much more genuine, more human, catchier. I honestly don’t get the genre (?) today as everything I hear is either a shameless mechanical ripoff of past classics or worse, music, to butcher Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address,…

GURTHANG – Hearts of the Hollow

I found this Polish outfit’s previous effort, the raw and piercing "Ascension" (2019), a hugely impressive piece of work and it was one of those great releases that grew on me the more I listened to it, so naturally, I was quite keen on getting my filthy paws on their upcoming album "Hearts of the…

HELHEIM – WoduridaR

Trying to contain my excitement whenever a new LP by Norwegian Viking metal stalwarts Helheim looms on the horizon is a futile exercise. I have been a huge fan of the group for many years now and what blows my mind every darn time they release an album is that they seem to get better…

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