ATAVIST – III Absolution
- by ER
- Posted on 16-07-2020
The results, on a 4 song album clocking at the length close to 60 minutes, are impressive, provided you can take in up to 17 minute tracks of utter unadulterated misery the likes of which are hard to find nowadays. When I say this stuff is depressing, I don’t mean it has depressing overtones. I mean it sent me on a deep depressive bout for as long as I was exposed to it and then some. I think I am still reeling from it as we speak. This is probably the highest accolade a doom band can get but I assure you it’s well deserved.
Take the opener, the whopping 16:30 minute "Loss", deceptively minimalistic but haunting in its Swallow The Sun-ny/Agalloch-ian melodiscism or the snail pace funeral of just a little shorter "Struggle", which still only partially prepares you for the nerve-wrecking closing title track somewhere between onset of "Embers Fire" Paradise Lost and "The Wreckage Of The Flesh" My Dying Bride, with a richly melodic ebbs and flows lead-ership courtesy of Naughton in between cascading lunacy a’la Paradise Lost’s "Jaded" smoking Daylight Dies’ cannabis. And then there’s the sound, fantastic, all-encompassing production courtesy of Chris Fielding (Primordial/Napalm Death/Winterfylleth), which is your clue to break out your good headphones for the full enjoyment.
One thing I have desired of spell-binding doom/death works and I seldom get it, and, sadly, "III: Absolution" is no exception in this regard – absolute perfection. Ironically, "Self-Realisation", the significantly shortest track, is a little disappointing at best, a little unimaginative at worst, although by no means a filler. I just expected better things after the opener, which, thankfully, I got from all the remaining tracks.
From the opening acoustic tones to the closing violins "III: Absolution" is a work of beautiful oppressive misery you can’t afford to miss if you even recognize some of those names above. Welcome, back, gentlemen.